With a small catch

Arnold Schwarzenegger is now a dollar billionaire

04.06.2024 16:17

Arnold Schwarzenegger has achieved an enormous amount in his life: as a bodybuilder he was crowned Mr. Universe, as "Terminator" he became a legend on the big screen, as a politician he won the post of Governor of California. Now the 76-year-old has also broken the billion mark with his fortune. But not (yet) in euros.

According to Forbes magazine, he is only the second actor after Tyler Perry, who is well-known in the USA, to become a dollar billionaire. The magazine estimates his fortune at around one billion US dollars - according to the current conversion rate (one dollar is 0.92 euros), he is still a little short of becoming a euro billionaire.

Clever deals and well-paid advertising
The action star is also more than shrewd as a businessman. Arnie, who grew up in modest circumstances in Styria, owes half of his fortune to cleverly negotiated film contracts that secured him a share of the profits instead of a fixed salary. With the comedy "Twins" alone, which became a blockbuster in 1988, he earned more than 35 million US dollars.

Schwarzenegger also made millions through product advertising and commercials, most recently with a lucrative appearance at the Super Bowl.

The 76-year-old Hollywood star also invested early on in real estate and up-and-coming companies such as Starbucks and Google. He also has shares in investment companies and runs fitness companies.

A taste for risk
According to Forbes, people who know him well emphasize that Schwarzenegger's success is also due to his willingness to take risks. "I wanted big investments that were interesting, creative and different," the now billionaire wrote in his book Total Recall. "Conservative bets that yield four percent a year, for example, didn't interest me."

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