Cathy Lugner has had enough

Richard Lugner’s ex-wife now fires back sharply

05.06.2024 05:30

"It's much easier to make me look like an adulteress or an evil bitch!" Cathy Lugner, once (affectionately?) christened "Spatzi" by her ex, is now lashing out after days of just watching. Photos of her wedding from 2014 were shown and her ex-husband announced that he looked much happier at his wedding to "Bienchen" last week. Disappointed, offended and hurt, Cathy Lugner (who, incidentally, is currently on groom duty herself) talks about her feelings in the "Krone" newspaper.

"Krone": Ms. Lugner, you've been in the headlines again and again over the last few days. Although no one has spoken to you ...
Cathy Lugner: Yes, the things that have been leaked to me, that have been reported and written about me, have really hurt me. I have to say that I don't really care, but Richard and the media, with all the side blows that kept coming, I really do find it disrespectful. Personally, after such a long time, I see no reason to keep commenting on him or the marriage of my own free will, but he obviously does.

Even the comparisons that were made in the media. Sabine, or whatever her name is, sorry, I'm so bad at remembering names, it's all well and good with her and I'm also happy for Richard when he's happy. But constantly making derogatory comparisons to me after so many years is really weak and lacks integrity. I don't really care who he is with or what he does, but please don't keep associating me with him. Recent accusations that I couldn't look after myself are also fundamentally wrong. I am a registered nurse and have always been able to look after myself and my child. After all, I have a degree in nursing. It's just badmouthing and badmouthing over such a long period of time, which I absolutely can't empathize with.

Cathy and Richard Lugner got married in 2014. Cathy's then 6-year-old daughter Leonie was also happy and built up a relationship with "Mörtel". (Bild: Tuma Alexander/Starpix/ Alexander TUMA)
Cathy and Richard Lugner got married in 2014. Cathy's then 6-year-old daughter Leonie was also happy and built up a relationship with "Mörtel".

But where do you think this teasing comes from?
I don't know, and I'd be particularly interested to know why. His life is none of my business, his love life, his women. And I've never said anything negative about it. I don't care about any of that, just like my private life is none of his business. But I don't understand why I'm constantly the subject of discussion or why I'm part of his productions and why people talk badly about me. After such a long time, you can just let it go.

For better or for worse ... Richard and Cathy were married from 2014 to 2016. (Bild: Starpix /
For better or for worse ... Richard and Cathy were married from 2014 to 2016.

Richard Lugner pointed out and continues to point out how unhappy he allegedly looked in the photos at the time of his wedding to you, and how happy he looks this time ...
It's his feelings about these photos and HE only ever associates me with them. I don't think he looked unhappy back then and that the media interest wasn't there. We were in the Daily Mail, the New York Times, the whole world covered it. It was a great wedding for me and I think it's a shame to be associated with it in a negative way again and again. The headline "Millionaire marries 24-year-old 'Playboy' model" caused quite a stir - worldwide!

But I can tell you're still upset about it?
None of that matters to me anymore. All I care about is the constant desire to put me down. I was so shit, as soon as the ink was dry on the marriage certificate, I would have provoked a fight. These are all things that aren't true! (...) You have to remember that I was 24 years old and I really suffered a lot from these false allegations, especially my child! That's one of the reasons why I filed for divorce at the time and I've hardly spoken about it publicly. I was so young and was confronted with rejection and untruths over and over again with my underage child, without Richard ever standing behind me and supporting me. In the end, I had no strength left for all of that.

Because of published pictures like this one, and the Lugner mustard that went with it, Cathy was now bursting at the seams after her ex-husband's wedding. (Bild: HERBERT NEUBAUER / APA /
Because of published pictures like this one, and the Lugner mustard that went with it, Cathy was now bursting at the seams after her ex-husband's wedding.

... And as we all know, children are the end of the fun for any normal person. Her anger is huge.
Yes, it does annoy me, especially that I'm always associated with it. At the end of the day, my reputation is also dragged through the mud. That's why I've kept quiet until now, precisely because I didn't want to say anything. Only now I've seen and read all the publications, including what Richard says about me, and I was naturally disappointed. Our whole time together was also dragged through the mud, which really hurt me. He always claimed that he liked Leonie so much. Funnily enough, he never once asked about her after the divorce! He was really important to her.

But it doesn't seem to stop ...
... and that's exactly what annoys me. That I'm still involved at all. I find it very disappointing that I keep being put down like this. Basically, I'm labeled as if I'm a woman who has no education, who's stupid, who just says yes and amen to everything. Although I also stood up to him. Sure, I can argue about one thing or another, but hey, I was 24! I can defend myself a little today. I wouldn't react like that today. But when you're young and in love, mistakes like that can unfortunately happen ... But what's going on now is really, really nasty, and it was all ten years ago.

The last time their marriage was in trouble. Cathy Lugner says today: "It was all ten years ago (...) so I don't understand the connection to me either." (Bild: Starpix/Alexander Tuma)
The last time their marriage was in trouble. Cathy Lugner says today: "It was all ten years ago (...) so I don't understand the connection to me either."

And your name keeps coming up. The "curse" of the surname Lugner?
No, I don't believe that. I think it actually has something to do with me. I didn't have it easy in the media or at Richard's side right from the start. But as I said, it was all ten years ago. We have no contact and so I don't understand the connections to me either.

Your daughter is now 16 years old, she's aware of a lot of things.
As you rightly say, she's 16 years old and she doesn't like it when she has to read such false allegations about her mother. In this day and age, when we should accept everyone for who they are, we shy away from respecting people who, as in my case, have children and perhaps suffer when women are called "gold diggers". That is an absolute double standard and just plain wrong.

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Sometimes he just can't see his own mistakes. It's much easier to make me look like an adulteress or an evil bitch.

Cathy Lugner über ihren Ex-Mann.

All in all, I take it from your words that you are particularly disappointed in your ex-husband?
We had a clear agreement that we wouldn't have a war of the roses after the divorce and, above all, that we wouldn't make any false allegations. And unfortunately, he often did that. Sometimes he simply can't see his own mistakes. It's much easier to make me look like an adulteress or a bad bitch. Whereas it would show much more greatness to stop making comments about me and admit that everyone has made mistakes. In 2022, 6 years after our divorce - you really have to check that out - he was still accusing me of cheating on him on "Celebrity Big Brother". I still have the messages. When I asked where the footage or proof of it was - because everyone knows it was broadcast - I never got an answer. Because it's simply untrue!

They don't have a good word to say about him.
So he actually makes himself untrustworthy and suggests that he still seems to be very preoccupied with it when he claims that he has only felt love for three women in his life. Another mean side blow - does it have to be? Then, of course, you wonder why he married all three of the other wives in between? That makes no sense.

But on a different note: maybe you could look for a husband for me? Richard found his happiness that way too ...(laughs)

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