No longer standing for election

National Council President Sobotka vacates his seat

04.06.2024 18:51

There has been speculation for some time, but now it is certain: ÖVP politician Wolfgang Sobotka, currently President of the National Council, is turning his back on parliament in the fall. He will not be standing in the elections at the end of September.

Last year, the 68-year-old politician from Waidhofen an der Ybbs was "snatched" the first place on the state list in Lower Austria. As a result, there were already rumors that Sobotka would not be on the ÖVP's federal list either. "I am not outlining any prospects for the future today," he confirmed to the "Krone" newspaper.

Decision after discussion with family
It is now clear: the long-serving President of the National Council will no longer be standing in the National Council elections on September 29, reports the "Kurier" newspaper. He has decided this after a discussion with his family.

Sobotka's seat will be taken by someone else. (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
Sobotka's seat will be taken by someone else.

This decision comes as a surprise, even for the People's Party. Because Wolfgang Sobotka is considered a thoroughbred politician. Until the constituent meeting of the new National Council after the election, he wants to "continue working with full commitment", he was quoted as saying.

According to "Kurier", Sobotka did not want to give the exact reason why he is retiring from politics. "I always wanted to leave politics in a self-determined way and not wait for others to tell me to go," he simply explained.

Many calls for resignation
There have been plenty of calls for his resignation in recent years: most recently because of his mention in the Pilnacek tape, and before that because of his alleged involvement in ÖVP corruption cases, the opposition repeatedly harshly criticized the President of the National Council. Sobotka has also repeatedly polarized as chairman of various committees of inquiry. He was represented throughout the last two committees.

Mockery for the golden wing
The infamous golden grand piano, which Sobotka insisted on having in the renovated parliament, also earned him a lot of ridicule. The expensive instrument was eventually removed from the House.

But neither such incidents nor the very last place in the politician confidence index were decisive for his withdrawal, according to Sobotka. He had always stuck to his stance, the pugnacious politician emphasized in the "Kurier": "I was never a flag in the wind, I was always a mast."

Zitat Icon

He is a politician who does not allow himself to be bent.

(Bild: NLK Pfeffer)

Johanna Mikl-Leitner über Wolfgang Sobotka

Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP), Governor of Lower Austria, has a similar view: "Hardly anyone else lives politics with such passion and dedication as Wolfgang Sobotka. He burns for the cause because our country and the concerns of the people are important to him. And it doesn't matter how big or small the concerns and challenges are, whether in local politics in Waidhofen an der Ybbs, in the state or in the National Council (...)".

Party colleague and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer thanked Sootka "for his tireless commitment to the Republic and the People's Party." Sobotka "always stands by his word and his values and passionately discusses his convictions", explained Nehammer on X.

Hafenecker: "Austria breathes a sigh of relief"
FPÖ Secretary General Christian Hafenecker was less flattering: "Wolfgang Sobotka is leaving - Austria is breathing a sigh of relief!" he commented in a press release on his departure from politics. He criticized Sobotka for trampling on parliamentary conventions and "acting as an autocrat in parliament". In doing so, he had damaged the reputation of the office of President of the National Council.

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