Racist survey

“Sad”: DFB captain Gündogan settles accounts with WDR

04.06.2024 19:26

With a survey on the opinion of German soccer fans on topics such as the skin color of players, WDR has caused a huge scandal. After Joshua Kimmich and national coach Julian Nagelsmann, the captain of the German national soccer team, Ilkay Gündogan, has now also spoken out.

Background: According to the survey, one in five people in Germany would like to see more white players in the DFB squad. In addition, 17 percent said they thought it was a shame that the team captain has Turkish roots.

Ilkay Gündogan wears the captain's armband under Julian Nagelsmann. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Ilkay Gündogan wears the captain's armband under Julian Nagelsmann.

"What bothers me is the timing"
Gündugan, whose parents come from Dursunbey, has now made it clear to the German newspaper "Bild". "I'm not surprised when you see the political developments of recent months and years. Nevertheless, it's sad that we still do surveys like this and give them value. What bothers me is the timing. Why? The person who does it has an intention somewhere, it's a message somewhere," the Barcelona professional clarified.

"We're all relatively intelligent people, we all know that racism exists worldwide. The figures are no surprise to anyone. It will probably continue for the next ten years, maybe it will get better, but we would have known it even without this survey," Gündogan continued.

"Normal process"
Philipp Awounou, the author of the documentary in which the survey was presented, defended the survey, however: "As disturbing as sentences like 'I'd prefer it if the survey was conducted' sound: 'I think it would be better if more white players played for the national team again' may read: in order to test racist attitudes, you have to ask about racist attitudes. This is a normal process in scientific opinion polling." In any case, the fuss is huge - while the Nagelsmann squad is once again allowed to deal with things that have absolutely nothing to do with sport in preparation for the home European Championship ...

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read the original article here.

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