"Krone" commentary

Israel – Hamas: Taking stock after eight months of war

04.06.2024 23:00

The war is entering its eighth month; high time to unravel and reassess the current situation: If Netanyahu has his way, the war cannot last long enough, and not just for personal reasons. The slow approach is also intended to keep army losses to a minimum.

Netanyahu is a gifted juggler of power and is wrestling on four fronts: Gaza, Biden, coalition fascists, opposition. He had set himself two goals: Destroy Hamas' infrastructure, i.e. no more rockets, and free the hostages.

Military pressure was to force the release of the hostages. That sounds like squaring the circle. The relatives of the hostages therefore accuse Netanyahu of cynical deceptive maneuvers.

And Hamas? It is determined to fight to the last Palestinian. International solidarity supports it, but its backbone is broken.

The war is slowly coming to an end and the moment of truth is coming for Netanyahu. He will not be able to please anyone; hence new elections, new government.

The rest of Hamas will find new blood. There will continue to be rockets from Gaza. Israel can live with that. The people in charge know that too.

After the war comes the next nightmare: supplying and rebuilding the Gaza Strip. This is being done at the expense of third parties, including the EU, the paymaster for everything.

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