Going to the polls on Father's Day

eu election

05.06.2024 09:54

The leading candidates of the seven parties competing in the EU elections will all go to the ballot box in person on Sunday. From the afternoon onwards, the political action will be concentrated in the German capital, where all the candidates will gather in the House of the European Union following the publication of the first trend forecast.

Early riser Reinhold Lopatka will be the first to cast his vote. The ÖVP top candidate casts his vote at 8 a.m. in his home municipality of Greinbach in the Styrian district of Hartberg-Fürstenfeld. Green Party top candidate Lena Schilling is also early, voting at 9 a.m. in Vienna-Meidling. Not far away in Vienna-Mariahilf, KPÖ top candidate Günther Hopfgartner will be voting at the same time at a polling station in the Barmherzige Schwestern hospital.

At 11 a.m., NEOS candidate Helmut Brandstätter will exercise his right to vote in Vienna-Währung. At the same time, Maria Hubmer-Mogg, first on the DNA list, will cast her vote in the Styrian capital Graz. SPÖ top candidate Andreas Schieder votes at 11.30 am in his home district of Vienna-Leopoldstadt. The most leisurely approach will be taken by Freedom Party top candidate Harald Vilimsky, who will go to the polls in Vienna-Landstraße at 2.30 pm.

Meeting at the House of the European Union
After the publication of the trend forecasts at 5 p.m., all seven top candidates will meet at the House of the European Union in the city center. In the media center set up there, the forecasts for the election results in Austria and the other EU countries will be commented on and discussed. Results may only be published after 11 pm.

Election parties planned - mood questionable
The parties' election parties will nevertheless start in the afternoon and the mood will largely depend on the trend forecasts. The ÖVP is holding its party in front of its federal party headquarters in Lichtenfelsgasse. The Freedom Party's election party will take place right next door in the Vino Wien restaurant. The SPÖ gathers at the Marx-Palast in Vienna-Landstraße. The Greens are at the Metropol in Vienna-Hernals, the pink election party is at a pub near the Heumarkt. The KPÖ is meeting at the Café Siebenstern in Vienna-Neubau, the venue of its top candidate. In the same district, at the 25hours Hotel, the DNA list also celebrates the election evening from 4 pm.

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