A kiss? No, thanks!

Lopez and Affleck: Can this marriage still be saved?

05.06.2024 16:00

Just a few months ago, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were still fussing and cuddling on red carpets around the world. But the great passion seems to be gone. The latest pictures show: It's no longer enough for a kiss! Can this celebrity marriage still be saved?

Amid rumors of a massive love crisis, the Hollywood star and the singer were caught by paparazzi at a basketball game of Affleck and Jennifer Garner's son Samuel at the weekend. Actually a good chance for the couple, who got back together in 2021, to quash the rumors of a marriage crisis once and for all.

A kiss? No, thank you!
Actually ... Because the picture that presented itself to the curious photographers was anything but pleasant. Not only did J.Lo and Affleck arrive separately, the greeting was - let's put it this way - rather undercooled.

(Bild: Photo Press Service)

Evil tongues would even say: rather strange! Because there was little sign of love and passion when "Bennifer" met.

Instead of a kiss on the lips, there was only an almost strange-looking peck on the cheek. And even then, the two of them looked as if they were just terribly disgusted by it all.

Hollywood fairytale over again?
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's love story sounded like a fairy tale that Hollywood couldn't have written more beautifully: After an engagement in the 2000s, the glamorous Hollywood couple got back together in 2021. Engagement number two and the dream wedding followed shortly afterwards.

But the marital bliss obviously didn't last long. Rumors have been circulating for weeks that the couple have long since separated. There is even talk of a "fever dream" from which Affleck has woken up. And that the Hollywood star has "finally come to his senses".

Even Ben's ex-wife Jennifer Garner is said to have intervened in the drama and talked him into not throwing in the towel so quickly.

Lopez takes "time out"
And then there's this: at the weekend, the singer surprisingly canceled her US tour, which was planned for the summer. The reason: "Jennifer is taking some time off to be with her children, family and close friends."

She is "completely crushed and devastated that I have to disappoint you", the singer was also quoted as saying. "Please know that I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't feel it was absolutely necessary."

Just a few weeks ago, Lopez and Affleck had nothing but depressed faces. (Bild: www.viennareport.at)
Just a few weeks ago, Lopez and Affleck had nothing but depressed faces.

Can the marriage still be saved?
It seems clear to many fans that this is not just about allegedly sluggish ticket sales, but rather about Ben Affleck.

The only question is whether this is the diva's last attempt to save her ailing marriage. Or whether there is nothing left to save anyway - and La Lopez needs the next few months to cure her heartache ...

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