New location

One year until the start of the “new dimensions”

05.06.2024 15:00

"Swacrit systems" plans to open the new Nassereith site in June 2025 - ambitious! But what does the company actually produce?

They currently stand like monuments in the new industrial park in Nassereith, the pillars of the building construction that began in May. In any case, it is food for thought for the citizens and leadership of the Gurgltal municipality that the establishment of the global player "Swacrit systems" is a historic economic development in terms of scale.

The globally active company, owned by Christoph Swarovski, the long-standing president of the Tyrolean Federation of Industry, will open its third site at the foot of the Fernpass - after Hall and Wildermieming - in around a year's time. The "monuments" described at the beginning will be transformed into a production building that blends unobtrusively into the landscape. The investment volume amounts to around 30 million euros and is a commitment to the Tyrol location, as the company management emphasizes.

Huge high-vacuum furnaces like those in Wildermieming will also be used in Nassereith. (Bild: Daum Hubert)
Huge high-vacuum furnaces like those in Wildermieming will also be used in Nassereith.

AI will play a role in the markets of the future
But what is actually produced in the halls, which will cover a total of over 7,000 square meters? The website does not provide the layman with any exact clarification and after even an insider admits that this is not easy to explain, the "Krone" asked Manuela Vogt, Head of Human Resources and Communication, at the plant in Wildermieming. "We are growing strongly, are at the limits of our capacity in Hall and here and are therefore setting up a third production facility," Vogt explains the move, "we do not produce for individuals as end customers, but supply to production companies."

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We operate in the vacuum technology, instrumentation, medical technology and aerospace technology markets.

Manuela Vogt, Swacrit systems

As a system supplier in the high-tech and semiconductor industry, we are an indispensable part of the production chain. For example, the housing of the electron beam microscope from Zeiss, high-precision parts for the cochlear implant from Medel or system assemblies for systems for the production of microchips. Vogt continues: "We operate in the vacuum technology, instrumentation, medical technology and aerospace technology markets."

The company supplies global corporations such as IMS, LAM and Zeiss and is also involved in the future markets of artificial intelligence and autonomous driving. Swacrit systems expects a turnover of over 40 million euros this year.

Manuela Vogt shows the housing of the electron microscope for Zeiss as a reference product. (Bild: Daum Hubert)
Manuela Vogt shows the housing of the electron microscope for Zeiss as a reference product.

"Working will be pleasant for the workforce"
"Over 100 exciting workplaces will gradually be created in Nassereith," says the HR manager, for whom the architectural solution of the company building is also a highlight. The building fits into the landscape and the spacious terrace will make working extremely pleasant for the staff. In general, the company focuses on the well-being of its employees.

It was only in the spring that the company received the Ministry's "State-awarded training company" award, which already reveals that apprenticeship training is a high priority, as Manuela Vogt confirms. The task now is to recruit apprentices and skilled workers, mainly in the field of metal technology, in order to be able to keep to the schedule - the opening in one year!

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read the original article here.

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