Three seriously injured

05.06.2024 16:05

Gunshots in Vienna-Floridsdorf terrified the population on October 7, 2023. Three of the victims collapsed in Floridusgasse with life-threatening injuries. The indictment from the Vienna public prosecutor's office now reveals the background to the family feud: a father and three sons are accused of attempted murder.

The father (54) was a successful building contractor. Now he and three of his sons (22, 25, 29) are in custody in the Josefstadt prison awaiting trial, which starts on June 14 - they are each accused of attempted murder by the Vienna public prosecutor's office.

It is about the crime that kept the federal capital in suspense on the evening of October 7, 2023. A wild shooting on the street in Floridsdorf terrified the population. Residents were asked not to leave their homes. The perpetrators are on the run.

Major operation in Vienna Floridsdorf: After a brawl on the fringes of the martial arts event in the Wiener Stadthalle, there was a shootout in the street. Charges have now been brought (Bild: Thomas Wagner)
Major operation in Vienna Floridsdorf: After a brawl on the fringes of the martial arts event in the Wiener Stadthalle, there was a shootout in the street. Charges have now been brought

"Debate" with fists, knives and guns
It later became known that it was a family feud that escalated: the first accused Austrian from North Macedonia was attending an MMA fight with his sons in the Wiener Stadthalle that evening.

According to the indictment, a member of the victim's family punched the face of the 22-year-old fourth defendant during the course of the event. After the scuffle, which is documented by a video, the family of the master builder left the martial arts event.

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I am convinced that there was no attempted murder, but that it was a case of self-defense or at most bodily harm.

(Bild: klemens groh)

Anwalt Rudolf Mayer vertritt zwei Mitglieder der Familie.

The opposing family then demanded a discussion, which was arranged in Floridusgasse in the 21st district. The master builder parked his car in the second lane because everything was blocked - the four defendants and the four opponents met in the middle of the road. According to the indictment, the member of the victim's family was the first to strike again. The third defendant drew a knife, stabbed the attacking opponent in the upper arm and another in the buttocks.

Weapons apparently possessed illegally
His 22-year-old brother drew a Zastava pistol during the scuffle, fired a warning shot into the ground and hit another member of the other family in the back with a second shot. Finally, the master builder is also said to have drawn a gun. According to the prosecution, he hit the running victim with the Colt, shooting through his left thigh.

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My clients acted in self-defense or in emergency aid.

(Bild: Zwefo)

Auch Anwalt Manfred Arbacher-Stöger vertritt zwei der vier angeklagten Österreicher.

The son also continued to pull the trigger, shooting an opponent, who apparently had a knife, in the pelvis. Another man was shot through the groin area. Three of the four victims collapsed with life-threatening injuries. The Baumeister family jumped into the car and fled. "My clients defended themselves after the new attack by the others," says lawyer Rudolf Mayer, who is representing the family, assuming that it was a case of self-defense or at most bodily harm.

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read the original article here.

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