One in four saves

“Holiday bargains can quickly become expensive”

06.06.2024 12:00

The travel boom continues unabated, but one in four holidaymakers will have to cut costs this year. Consumers should take a close look at cheap offers, but apart from that, long-distance travel is also very popular.

The travel boom following the coronavirus pandemic will continue in 2024, but price rises and inflation mean that many holidaymakers will have to cut costs. "A quarter will have to make do with a smaller budget than in the previous year," says Christoph Teller from the Institute for Retail, Sales and Marketing at Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Vacation trip too expensive
For one in six Austrians, a vacation trip is not financially viable - unsurprisingly, people on low incomes are particularly affected. For 34 percent of households with a monthly net income of less than EUR 2,000, a summer vacation literally falls through.

"There is little demand for cheap offers"
Nevertheless, travel agencies are satisfied with the occupancy rate. "The main booking period from January to March was very good. There was hardly any demand for cheap and last-minute offers," says Harald Schobesberger from Reisebüro Urlaubswelt in Schörfling and deputy chairman of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

Nordic countries - here Finland - are gaining in popularity (Bild: Markus Hanke / Visum /
Nordic countries - here Finland - are gaining in popularity

End of season cheaper
Greece is still very popular, but Nordic countries are picking up. "It's getting too hot for people in the south, sometimes at 40 degrees," says Schobesberger, "long-distance travel is also developing positively." While his travel agency spent an average of around 3800 euros per booking in 2022, this year it is already almost 6000 euros. Savings can be made at the end of the season from mid-September, "when you can still go swimming in Greece and Spain," says the travel agency boss.

Beware of bargains
Ulrike Weiß from the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor warns against overly tempting vacation offers: "Don't fall for bargains, it's better to set a budget and then get advice," says the consumer advocate.

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Saving too much can quickly become expensive. Consumers should be particularly careful with very cheap offers on online platforms.

Ulrike Weiß, Leiterin Konsumenteninformation der AK OÖ

In addition, travel enthusiasts should consider where they could cut back - be it on the location of the accommodation, food or program. "Why should you pay for ten days of entertainment if you only want to go pedal boating once," says Weiß.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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