Guest commentary on the election

Hans-Peter Martin: Appeal to the 500,000

05.06.2024 20:00

506,092 people voted for my "List Martin" when I last stood in the EU elections. That was almost 18 percent 15 years ago. Quite a few of them would have voted for the FPÖ back then without my candidacy. Now I hear so often: this time I'm voting for the FPÖ. I understand that in many cases. But there is one reason not to vote for the FPÖ: And that is peace, both external and internal. A re-elected US President Donald Trump, together with Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, will divide up the world in such a way that it will become increasingly inhospitable for us in Europe. Germany, France and Italy will be condemned to be spectators at a new Yalta Conference, which will define the power blocs as it did in 1945.

While our ancestors feared an aggressive Soviet Union, we should now take Russian disinformation much more seriously. The FPÖ's proximity to Russia-friendly politics is proven. Exclusionary nationalism in the style of the FPÖ will only lead us to isolation in Austria. And as much as migration and so many other problems weigh us down: Contempt for humanity is no solution. Those who incite will reap hatred.

And then, of course, there is the climate issue. We are now on the "Titanic". The task now is to make as many lifeboats as possible safe for survival. What is the FPÖ's contribution here - apart from denial and cynicism? Anyone who flirts with the FPÖ in this situation is blind. Parties like the FPÖ are leading Austria and Europe to ruin. Where they are in power, they are restricting democracy. Only the dumbest calves choose their own butchers. This should not apply to Austria. And that is why I am now making an appeal to my half a million voters from 2009. Reach out to those who, in their disappointment, are leaning to the far right. Let us argue! Even up to the National Council elections. The big crash can be prevented.

Hans-Peter Martin, guest commentary

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read the original article here.

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