Surprising churches

Long night of the extraordinary

06.06.2024 17:00

Denominations present themselves in a completely different way than usual on Friday, June 7, during the Long Night of Churches.

The sanctuary is on one side, the faithful sit on the other, and a road runs through the middle: the curious divided church in Gmünd is part of the Long Night of Churches, which offers a good 300 unusual program items at 88 locations in Carinthia on Friday, 7 June. The divided church is part of the four-church pilgrimage in Gmünd.

Long Night of the Church project coordinator Iris Binder with Bishop Josef Marketz and Superintendent Manfred Sauer. (Bild: Trainproduction)
Long Night of the Church project coordinator Iris Binder with Bishop Josef Marketz and Superintendent Manfred Sauer.

Insights into Christian celebrations around the globe can be gained on the Stations Trail in Velden. Bishop Josef Marketz opens the garden at the palace in Klagenfurt, which was built for Maria Anna von Habsburg. Dresses, paintings and handicrafts by Maria Theresa and her husband can be seen in the Kunsthaus Marianna at the Elisabethinen. Cathedral provost Engelbert Guggenberger gives a guided tour of the cathedral chapter house in Pernhartgasse, the chapter room and the newly renovated chapel.

300 program points at 88 locations

On June 7, the Catholic, Protestant, Old Catholic and Romanian Orthodox churches offer 300 program points at 88 locations in Carinthia. Details:

The building site for the Romanian Orthodox Church in Flughafenstraße in Klagenfurt can be visited. Bible texts, music and pictures attract visitors to the Protestant St. John's Church in Klagenfurt.

A convertible bus takes you to the Viktring collegiate church. Indulge in hearty meals in the cathedral parish.

Glass and culinary art meet in Villach St. Josef. Poems from the Middle Ages to the present day attract visitors to Sachsenburg. The program also includes tips on family research, tasting mass wine, relaxing by the campfire and much more.

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