Flooding possible

Thunderstorms: Threat of heavy rain, hail and squalls

06.06.2024 09:38

Powerful thunderstorms with heavy rain, squalls and hail are threatening to sweep across the whole country over the course of Thursday. According to forecasts, the formation of so-called multi- and supercells is even possible.

In the morning, Thursday will still be largely friendly. According to the Austrian Severe Weather Center, clouds will quickly form in the mountains, followed by heavy showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon.

"Due to the high thunderstorm energy and the well-sheared air mass, some cells may organize quickly today and turn out to be very strong," say the experts. According to forecasts, the Murtal valley, western Styria and eastern areas of Carinthia are particularly at risk in the south.

In the north, the greatest risk of severe thunderstorms is in southern Upper Austria, the Mostviertel and parts of the industrial district in Lower Austria. Localized flooding is possible in areas where the ground can no longer absorb water.

The thunderstorms will weaken and dissipate towards the evening. According to the meteorologists at Geosphere, the daily highs will be up to 28 degrees.

High risk of thunderstorms at the weekend
On Friday, thunderstorms will again move across Austria during the course of the day. Hail and heavy rain are to be expected again. It is most likely to remain dry in the far east.

Saturday and Sunday will also be largely unsettled, although the sun will shine most frequently in the east.

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