The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little messenger gets June off to a summery start

08.06.2024 05:45

How we celebrate June and the summer days and long evenings in June. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These include sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

Hello June! Summer is just around the corner and with it the longest days of the year. Sweden celebrates "Midsommar" and I think that's a great way to get into June with some romantic summer feelings. Wreaths of flowers, potato salad with fish and colorful ribbons in the garden are quick and easy to prepare and immediately create a great atmosphere. The classic Swedish decoration is great for spreading summer vibes throughout June.

Active into the summer
Now in June is the ideal time to plan other small summer parties and activities: for example, a classic barbecue afternoon in the garden or a picnic with friends: Everyone brings a little something and together we look for a nice spot by the Danube or in the forest.

Sunday morning wild herb rounds are also great fun and bring a variety of enjoyment afterwards. Perhaps one of your friends knows their way around and can advise you on which wild, aromatic herbs are suitable for salads.

Summer is also coming to the garden and the best way for kids to learn is by doing: it's great for them to have their own snack bed in the garden. Get plants that bear berries or snacking vegetables together and plant them in a bed. Even the preparatory work, weeding and digging is even more fun! And in a few weeks, everything will be ready for the harvest.

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