After media report

Referendum on the stadium? Kahr “very surprised”

06.06.2024 11:11

The stadium debate in Graz has mutated into a never-ending story and is rich in facets. The latest twist: Allegedly, the population is now to decide on a possible stadium construction. The mayor is rather surprised by this.

"Typical of this city government! Once again they want to shift responsibility." Or: "Next we'll be voting on whether Graz needs an opera house." For the critics, the latest twist in the Graz stadium case was a feast for the eyes. According to a report in the Kleine Zeitung, the population is now to decide whether the provincial capital should get a new stadium. And this is the intention of Mayor Elke Kahr. Even the date for this has already been set - after the feasibility studies (one for an expansion in Liebenau, one for the new building in Puntigam) have been completed next year.

In an interview with the "Krone" newspaper, Kahr was "very surprised by this free interpretation". She merely stated that the "KPÖ is known to be a supporter of co-determination. However, it is important that people also have enough information about what they are voting on." The mayor's office vehemently denies that this statement can be equated with a yes to a referendum in the stadium debate.

State has a positive attitude towards participation
For the city, the task now is to shed light on whether and where a new stadium can be built. Once all the figures are on the table, negotiations will also be held with the state about a financial contribution. Both State Councillor for Finance Anton Lang (SPÖ) and Sports Councillor Karlheinz Kornhäusl (ÖVP) have indicated a basic willingness to do so.

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