Return is imminent

Bull Morgalla: “Illness was a shock moment”

06.06.2024 12:10

FC Red Bull Salzburg's Leandro Morgalla has been out of action for several months due to myocarditis. In an interview with "TZ", the German U21 international talks about the diagnosis, which was a real shock for him. The defender also spoke about his return to the soccer pitch.

Austria's vice-champions FC Red Bull Salzburg have been without defender Leandro Morgalla for four months. The defender, who moved to the Salzach from TSV 1860 Munich last summer, was diagnosed with myocarditis in mid-February. "It was a shock moment. It was the first time I'd been out of action for a long time," said the German in an interview with "TZ". He had set his sights high at the start of the year after being out for a long time in the fall due to injury.

"When you get straddled like that . . ."
"When you get straddled by something like that, it's not easy. But you have to accept it. I didn't complain and focused on getting back not only quickly, but also completely healthy," said Morgalla, who also described the illness and the resulting forced break as a "low point".

It is not yet clear when the talented U21 international will be able to celebrate his comeback. He spent part of his rehab at the Institute for Sports Medicine at Salzburg State Hospital. In the meantime, he is already doing a few things with the ball, says the defensive man, who is confident about his return: "I'm confident that I'll be fully back for the start of the season." As is well known, Morgalla will welcome a new coach in Pep Lijnders.

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