Another baby?

“Hottest woman”: Gercke seduces with a bikini dance

06.06.2024 18:00

Lena Gercke (36) is currently enjoying her vacation in Greece. She is showing off her hot outfits and causing a stir with a sexy dance video on Instagram.

As is well known, model Lena Gercke likes to show a lot of skin. The 36-year-old also makes for hot views on social media.

Lena Gercke inspires with sexy vacation look
In a new Instagram post, Gercke shows herself in a figure-hugging white transparent dress with a white bikini peeking through. The dress with a plunging neckline allowed deep insights into the beauty's cleavage.

Lena Gercke had tied her hair into a loose bun, from which a few strands fell out loosely. Black sunglasses and silver earrings completed the beautiful vacation look. The model didn't wear much make-up.

Here you can see more snapshots from Lena Gercke's vacation in Greece:

Gercke's fans are thrilled
The comments section on Lena's post is full of compliments for the 36-year-old. "I know I'm repeating myself, but still hottest mom of Germany," enthused one fan. "You can move your super great body well and you look beautiful," agreed another. "Sooo pretty and so natural!"

Does Lena Gercke want a baby?
The beauty puts on a hot dance routine to the song "All That She Wants" by Ace of Base, including a sexy hip swing. The 36-year-old's choice of music makes many fans sit up and take notice. Does Lena Gercke, who is the mother of two children, Zoe and Lia, want another child? The song lyrics "All that she wants, is another baby" could be a clue. Comments such as "Interesting lyrics" or "Another baby?" pile up under Gercke's post.

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