Junior tournament

Joel Schwärzler storms into the semi-finals in Paris!

06.06.2024 13:09

Austria's tennis hopeful Joel Schwärzler is only two wins away from his big goal. The 18-year-old from Vorarlberg qualified for the semi-finals of the junior event at the French Open on Thursday. Schwärzler defeated the Czech number ten seed Petr Brunclik 6:2, 7:6(6) after 96 minutes. In the battle for the final on Friday, he will face the American Kaylan Bigun, who is the same age and seeded No. 5.

"I started really well today, then played the whole first set as I should have. He played more aggressively in the second and I let up a bit. With a bit of luck, I was able to win 7:6 in the end," he also addressed a set point from his opponent in the tie-break.

"Title is getting closer"
The former U16 European champion, who recently won his first ATP Challenger in Skopje, had named the title as his major goal before the tournament, which will probably be his last as a junior. "The title is getting closer, but I'm still a long way from it. I still have to play two good matches against two good players," said Jürgen Melzer's protégé.

Together with the Norwegian Nicolai Budkov Kjaer, Schwärzler is also in the final round of the doubles; they progressed in the quarter-finals after being knocked out.

The left-hander is seeded No. 2 in the singles, as he recently had to give up the top spot in the junior world rankings. He is playing in his fifth junior major tournament; his best result to date was the quarter-finals at Roland Garros a year ago.

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