Red-blue dispute:

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06.06.2024 14:14

Petra Steger (FPÖ), Jörg Leichtfried (SPÖ) and political expert Thomas Hofer were guests on's "Rainer Nowak Talk". They discussed the EU elections and the consequences for Austria.

For the first time, the FPÖ could win a nationwide election, political analyst Thomas Hofer introduced the debate on The issues are similar to those in Austria. Keyword migration. Even if the FPÖ traditionally has mobilization difficulties in EU elections, this time it should be different. The FPÖ's number 2 in the EU elections, Petra Steger, stated: "Our goal is number 1, but that is only a means to an end. There are many undesirable developments in the EU. And we are trying to take action against this with the strongest possible parliamentary group with right-wing parties and bring about a turnaround." They would also like to see an EU Commissioner for Remigration and not for the post to always fall to the People's Party.


Exchange of blows over social issues and nuclear energy
SPÖ European spokesperson Leichtfried responded to Rainer Nowak's objection as to how the FPÖ could become the strongest party: "I haven't seen such a good mood in the SPÖ for a long time. Some people are going to have a good look at how it all turns out. For the EU elections and for the National Council elections." There was a constant exchange of blows between red and blue. The FPÖ is completely irrelevant in the EU, in contrast to the social democratic group, said Leichtfried. He also took a swipe at the blue top candidate Harald Vilimsky. He had tabled motions on nuclear energy. He and his party could not be taken seriously. "If you vote for the FPÖ, it's for nothing." Steger countered that the Social Democrats should rather ask themselves how the loss of prosperity and inflation could have come about. "They want a levelling down and European unemployment insurance. They want to distribute more and more away from Austria. We want to regulate this nationally."

The FPÖ and Russia
Hofer, on the other hand, see an all-encompassing right-wing parliamentary group a long way off - there are too many differences (keyword AfD) and different national interests. And earned support from Leichtfried. Petra Steger admitted that this was indeed a difficult task, but that it was important to make progress on key issues such as migration and security. Leichtfried shot back that the FPÖ was not there for the so-called little people. Rather, they were just fooling people. "We are not a foaming-at-the-mouth party like the FPÖ."

Thomas Hofer nevertheless sees the FPÖ as stable. It has its topics and its audience - and, most importantly, its own channels where it does not have to face critical journalism. This is why the "Russian espionage affair", conveyed by traditional media, does not really catch on. The Russia issue was also debated emotionally. The FPÖ only tabled pro-Russian motions, criticized the SPÖ's Leichtfried. "That harms Austria and neutrality." Steger countered: "Our motions only serve the Austrian people and the preservation of neutrality, which is being trampled on by other parties. Peace negotiations are needed." There was agreement between red and blue after all - on the excessive Brussels bureaucracy.

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