Final spurt without Nehammer

ÖVP prepares for clear losses in EU elections

06.06.2024 14:40

Top candidate Reinhold Lopatka and Secretary General Christian Stocker have encouraged their ÖVP to fight for votes in the final stretch of the EU election campaign. However, in view of meagre poll results, they are preparing for clear losses: Stocker described five mandates - two fewer than before - as a "good result".

Party leader and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer was not present at the end of the election campaign in Vienna. His absence was explained by the fact that he and the Federal President were seeing off the ÖFB national team for the European Championships. Stocker and Lopatka showed understanding for the importance of supporting the national soccer team and took over the cheering on of their own election workers in front of the federal party headquarters in Vienna. "We want to win elections and not polls, so we will show the strength the People's Party can develop in the final sprint right up to the last hour," Stocker drummed up.

"Run and fight"
Amateur runner Lopatka compared the election campaign to a marathon and promised to "run and fight" for the remaining 72 hours. Despite subdued expectations, he stuck to his goal of once again becoming the party with the most seats in Austria and at the same time remaining the strongest force at European level with the EPP (European People's Party) family of parties, according to the top candidate.

With the EPP, the ÖVP has the strongest network in Europe, he emphasized. In contrast, the FPÖ is isolated within Europe with the German AfD, "that is the opposite of what is needed to make progress", Lopatka once again attacked the Freedom Party. Next Sunday's election is a "directional decision", emphasized the lead candidate for the EU election.

"We are clearly saying yes to Europe, we are the European party and we will not let anyone take that away from us," said ÖVP Secretary General Stocker, repeating the election campaign slogan that they are in favor of Europe, but want to make it "better". They are against the destruction of the EU, as pursued by the FPÖ, do not want a debt union, which the SPÖ is striving for, and also do not want the United States of Europe demanded by the NEOS, said Stocker.

Parties in the final spurt
The ÖVP was the first of the parties represented in the EU Parliament to hold its final campaign rally on Thursday. On Friday, the other four parties represented in Brussels and Strasbourg - SPÖ, FPÖ, Greens and NEOS - will hold their final rallies, as will the DNA list, which is running for the first time. The KPÖ already concluded its campaign on Tuesday.

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