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Gigi D’Agostino has a lawsuit from Austria on his hands

07.06.2024 07:00

Star DJ Gigi D'Agostino is suing the Salzburg Electric Love Festival, demanding money for a non-performance - the "Krone" reported. But the Italian himself is currently facing a lawsuit from a local organizer.

He never performed at the Salzburgring, collected 20,000 euros for it - and yet star DJ Gigi D'Agostino is suing the organizers of the Electric Love Festival. The Italian is demanding a further 20,000 euros, allegedly for breach of contract - the "Krone" reported. Now it turns out that these are not the only legal woes for the celebrated musician. D'Agostino himself has a lawsuit on his hands.

The Vorarlberg promoter Walter Egle is bringing heavy artillery against the DJ. "For me, what he's doing is fraud," he says in an interview with the "Krone" newspaper. Egle booked the Italian for a concert in Zurich several years ago and D'Agostino received the fee in advance. According to Egle, he then canceled the gig almost at the last minute without giving a reason.

Star DJ Gigi D'Agostino is suing the organizers of the Salzburg Electric Love Festival. He is demanding 20,000 euros from them. (Bild: Semtainment)
Star DJ Gigi D'Agostino is suing the organizers of the Salzburg Electric Love Festival. He is demanding 20,000 euros from them.
Concert organizer Walter Egle has sued star DJ Gigi D'Agostino. (Bild: zVg)
Concert organizer Walter Egle has sued star DJ Gigi D'Agostino.

"I'm stuck with all the costs," says the Vorarlberg native angrily. Specifically, it's just under 180,000 euros - and that's not even counting Gigi D'Agostino's fee. The proceedings have been going on for almost two years. "D'Agostino has his company headquarters in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. That's why the place of jurisdiction is there and everything takes time," he groans.

Racists recently hijacked Gigi D'Agostino's big hit
Other promoters have also told the "Krone" that Gigi D'Agostino does not enjoy a very good reputation in the industry.

The musician recently hit the headlines - albeit through no fault of his own. Racists had hijacked his hit "L'amour toujours" and defaced it with xenophobic slogans.

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read the original article here.

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