And when is it better not to
Flying with a baby and child: how to make the trip a success
You're thinking about flying on vacation with your child for the first time - and your mind is racing: Can or should my child even get on a plane? Is flying good for my child? What do I need to watch out for? We can well understand your worries: We have researched all the information so that you can start your vacation with peace of mind and prepared.
Flying together as a family for the first time is a very special experience. Airports and airlines now also have special offers for children and families with children in their repertoire. But at what age should children actually be allowed on the plane? "In principle, babies are allowed ," says Edith Reiter-Fink from the University Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Vienna. But if you want to make sure that everything fits, you should take things a little slower and observe certain precautions.

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