List of demands

Senior citizens want a ministry for ageing issues

07.06.2024 15:10

The Seniors' Council is calling on the next federal government to set up a separate ministry for age-related issues.

In the run-up to the National Council elections in September, the seniors' interest group has drawn up a comprehensive list of demands with 127 points, which will be discussed with all parties in the summer, explained presidents Ingrid Korosec and Peter Kostelka at a press conference on Friday.

Incentives for working in old age
The Seniors' Council continues to reject an increase in the statutory retirement age of 65. At the same time, measures are needed to increase the actual retirement age.

The President of the ÖVP Seniors' Association, Ingrid Korosec, and Peter Kostelka, President of the SPÖ Pensioners' Association. (Bild: APA/HANS KLAUS TECHT)
The President of the ÖVP Seniors' Association, Ingrid Korosec, and Peter Kostelka, President of the SPÖ Pensioners' Association.

These include incentives for working in old age through an additional tax deduction and an extension of the voluntary corridor pension with an increase in the bonus. The non-wage labor costs for older employees should also be significantly reduced.

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People live analogously and have the right to articulate themselves analogously to the authorities.

Peter Kostelka

Protection against discrimination
Another point in the list of demands is protection against discrimination. "It is unacceptable that citizens without internet access cannot apply for a tradesman's bonus, receive a heating replacement subsidy or subscribe to a federal certificate," emphasized Kostelka. "People live analog lives and have the right to articulate themselves to the authorities in analog form."

Free vaccinations demanded
In the area of health and care, the senior citizens' representatives are calling for, among other things, a cap on medication costs instead of the current cap on prescription fees and an extension to therapeutic aids. In addition, all recommended vaccinations should be free of charge for all age groups.

The current government must resolve the issues of pension adjustments, aliquoting and the protection clause before the election. As it usually takes months before a new government is formed after the election, this is particularly important.

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