An oil price explodes

Salzburg prices go crazy when shopping

08.06.2024 09:30

After all: for the first time in a long time, the purchase of everyday goods has hardly become more expensive for Salzburg residents. But it's not just olive oil that is making people's wallets groan.

Twice a year, the Salzburg Chamber of Labor takes a close look at the prices in the so-called small shopping basket. This involves looking at 54 products in total, in particular foodstuffs and items from the drugstore section.

Due to the long period of inflation, the total value of the basket has constantly increased in recent periods. In some cases even by a double-digit percentage range. A comparison with everyday consumer goods shows this: The phase of constant price increases has stopped for the time being.

(Bild: Honorar)

A trip to Bavaria hardly pays off anymore
"Compared to the survey in October, there has even been a reduction of 4.69 percent," AK expert Christoph Schulz explains to "Krone". This is primarily due to the fact that the price of some goods in the drugstore department has fallen sharply. Soap, hair shampoo, toothpaste and shower gel, for example, became half and more cheaper. The price of a kilo of soap, which recently cost just under nine euros, has plummeted. It is currently around two euros.

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Unfortunately, the government has so far failed to take sustainable measures to combat inflation. It is therefore hardly surprising that inflation in Austria is still among the highest in Europe. When it comes to food, the temporary abolition of VAT, including state price monitoring, remains the order of the day.

Peter Eder, Arbeiterkammer-Präsident Salzburg

Things that end up in the fridge or in the pantry are not quite so rosy. Ketchup, spaghetti, potato chips and tomatoes (see chart on the left), for example, have also become considerably cheaper. However, these are outliers.

The popular orange juice has risen in price by 43 percent, olive oil by as much as 61 percent. A liter of this healthy oil can hardly be bought for less than eleven euros. "When it comes to food, the temporary abolition of VAT, including state price monitoring, must remain in place," demands Salzburg Chamber of Labor boss Peter Eder.

It is also interesting to note that while recently people were saving around ten percent when shopping in neighboring Bavaria, they are currently only paying 4.68 percent more in Salzburg.

Really good shopping makes your stomach ache, column

Fill your shopping bags to the brim on Friday and go into the weekend feeling relaxed: For many people in Salzburg, really good shopping remains a pipe dream. Or it is no longer possible without a real stomach ache. Even the slightly lower prices in the so-called small shopping basket do nothing to change this. Some butter, milk, cold cuts, bread, yoghurt, pasta, beer and chocolate: if you want to buy the basics for a family of four for the weekend and have to put down 100 euros or more, it will only increase your stress levels.

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