"Just like a test day"

Clear criticism of the lack of glamor in the DTM

08.06.2024 13:00

While champ Thomas Preining goes in search of the next victory in the current DTM season at Zandvoort on Saturday and Sunday, there is increasing criticism of the conditions in the paddock. The ADAC, which acquired the brand rights from Gerhard Berger in 2022, is now being called upon to act.

"When you walk in here, you think you're at a test day, but not at a race!" Thomas Jäger, who is the sporting director of the DTM at Mercedes-AMG, was extremely critical of the current situation in the paddock on Motorsport-Total.com ahead of the third round of the season in Zandvoort.

Oriented towards Formula 1 under Berger
The presentation to the public was too sloppy and too lax. "When people come here, they have to say: 'Wow, that's special! This is really high-end! And not high hobby," says Jäger, who is not alone in his criticism. The ADAC, which had acquired the DTM brand rights from Gerhard Berger in 2022, is now also called upon to act. Especially as the organization of the paddock under Berger was still based on Formula 1.

Thomas Preining is only concentrating on the races. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Thomas Preining is only concentrating on the races.

"It's important that we present ourselves at the top"
What do the drivers themselves say? "I don't pay attention to that sort of thing, I don't walk around in the paddock either. I'm either in the car or in the truck preparing for the next session. But it's important that we present ourselves in top form," says champ Thomas Preining, who wants to follow up his first triumph of the season at the Lausitzring today and tomorrow in Zandvoort. "The plan is to finish on the podium again and score as many points as possible," says the driver from Linz.

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