Locked up, coerced

Deep scars remain after assaults

07.06.2024 18:08

After a scandal at a project week at an elite high school in Linz, the victim wants compensation from her tormentors. The girl is currently unable to attend lessons and is undergoing psychiatric treatment. Four boys are being investigated for coercion and deprivation of liberty.

"The boys grabbed my client outside the house after giving me the information and carried her to her room. A video shows her resisting and clinging to the doorframe," says Herwig Kammler, recounting the dramatic scenes. He is the lawyer of the girl who is said to have been the victim of an assault by four classmates during the project week of the Aloisianum private high school in Assisi, Italy - we reported.

Facts & figures

The Aloisianum College is an open Catholic and Ignatian private school in Linz. Ignatian pedagogy stands for education that is committed to the Christian-humanist ideal. There are currently a total of 20 classes in the upper and lower school, the lower school is a full-day school. A monthly school fee of 455 euros (10 times a year) is charged to cover the costs of running the school (source: aloisianum.at).

Door locked
In the room, the boys then locked the door and said: "Only when you give us all a massage and adjust our spine will you be allowed out again." The accused are then said to have left the room and locked it from the outside, returning again and again to renew their demand.

"I want to get out"
"My client repeatedly said that she wanted to get out, but it was only after around 20 to 30 minutes that the haunting came to an end," said Kammler. After the project week, the school filed a complaint against the suspects and the Linz public prosecutor's office is investigating for deprivation of liberty and coercion.

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Since the incident, my client has been receiving psychological support. We are demanding partial compensation for pain and suffering.

Herwig Kammler, Anwalt des betroffenen Mädchens

Lawyer demands compensation for pain and suffering
"We have joined as victims and are demanding partial compensation for pain and suffering," says the lawyer. Since the incident, the girl has been receiving psychological support and is unable to attend classes. "But she is receiving every conceivable help from the Aloisianum. The incident was also dealt with in an exemplary manner," emphasizes Kammler.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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