Club and town leader

SPÖ double earner Egger has his top salary cut

08.06.2024 08:00

The head of the Salzburg Red Party earns double. Yet he is already having some of his salary cut by law. A salary donation is still outstanding. Generally speaking, Salzburg's local chiefs will receive more from July.

The law is clear: ten percent less than a provincial councillor - that's how much dual office holders are allowed to earn. SPÖ leader David Egger has been receiving his salary as head of the provincial parliament since 2023. Since winning the Neumarkt election, the mayor's salary has been added to this. From July 1, 2024, that would be a total of 17,937 euros gross. Too much! Because the law in Salzburg stops at 15,282.45 euros.

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That didn't happen the first time. No problem, it was overlooked, it will be deducted the next time.

David Egger, SPÖ-Parteichef

First salary paid out incorrectly
The lower salary is to be deducted. In other words, the municipality of Neumarkt must deduct the salary of the new mayor. "That didn't happen the first time," says David Egger, adding: "No problem, it wasn't clear at the beginning and will be deducted the next time. I deal with it transparently. I know that I earn well. But what bothers me is that no one in the ÖVP is ever asked why they wear Rolexes, drive Porsches, own dozens of houses or hold countless offices."

The overview: Salzburg's politicians' salaries at a glance. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/Adobe Stock)
The overview: Salzburg's politicians' salaries at a glance.

What's more, the SPÖ party statutes stipulate that the lower of two net salaries must be donated. Egger: "Once that has been clarified, I have no problem with it. It just has to be used sensibly." The neo-president calculates that there is not much left over from the remaining second salary without statutory deductions, party taxes and private representation expenses. "Maybe 2,000 euros a month."

Five percent more for local leaders
From July 1, Salzburg's mayors will generally receive a five percent increase. "A great success. Salzburg is now a role model for the federal government," explains Martin Huber, Managing Director of the Association of Municipalities.

Hansjörg Obinger from the "red" association of municipalities says: "The new regulation is good. But you can't do the normal gross-net calculation for us. Our salary is to be viewed in the same way as self-employed people, not employees."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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