Stink bombs included

“Unfucking incredible”: Schilling closes her election campaign

07.06.2024 19:16

After the ÖVP, KPÖ and DNA, the SPÖ, FPÖ, Greens and NEOS also concluded their EU election campaigns on Friday afternoon. While the Green top candidate Lena Schilling praised the commitment of her supporters as "unfuckingbelievable", the FPÖ's closing was disrupted by stink bombs.

The Greens used their closing in Vienna's Museumsquartier once again to call for mobilization. Top candidate Lena Schilling described the election campaign as "quite a ride".

"It wasn't easy"
Party leader Werner Kogler also responded to the published accusations against her: "It wasn't easy, but we didn't go into politics to make it easy for ourselves anyway". Or to put it another way: "It proves that the Greens are not easily knocked down".

Top candidate Lena Schilling (Greens) at the end of her party's election campaign in Vienna. (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
Top candidate Lena Schilling (Greens) at the end of her party's election campaign in Vienna.

NEOS confident of victory
The NEOS concluded their election campaign with a "star party", with each star on the EU flag representing a NEOS goal. The well-known demands from the election campaign were listed once again, above all the "United States of Europe". Party leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger was confident that she would be one of the "big winners" on election day, while lead candidate Helmut Brandstätter once again warned against Vladimir Putin and the "screamers who are not as patriotic as they pretend to be".

NEOS top candidate Helmut Brandstätter and chairwoman Beate Meinl-Reisinger (Bild: APA/ALEX HALADA)
NEOS top candidate Helmut Brandstätter and chairwoman Beate Meinl-Reisinger

The Freedom Party, who were probably referring to this, remained consistent in their election campaign. On the one hand in their choice of venue - once again, Vienna's Viktor-Adler-Platz served as the location for the blue finale - but also in terms of content. Less EU, more national, was the motto. The National Council elections in the fall played a bigger role than the EU elections on Sunday.

Kickl conjured up an "eraof popular chancellorship"
"An era of popular chancellorship" was conjured up by party leader Herbert Kickl. But the "elites" in the EU must also be taught a lesson, he then switched to the EU elections for a moment and called on people not to skip them.

The blue top candidate Harald Vilimsky and his federal party chairman Herbert Kickl (Bild: APA/GEORG HOCHMUTH)
The blue top candidate Harald Vilimsky and his federal party chairman Herbert Kickl

Of course, this call was also made by FPÖ top candidate Harald Vilimsky, who otherwise dedicated his speech to a core blue issue: migration.

Stink bombs again at the FPÖ event
There was also another demonstration against the Freedom Party, with stink bombs flying once again. As a reminder: there was already a stink bomb attack at the FPÖ election campaign kick-off in Vienna's Lugner City on May 10.

SPÖ: "Whoever strengthens us, strengthens the bulwark against the right"
The SPÖ bid farewell to the EU election campaign on Friday evening in Vienna-Ottakring. Top candidate Andreas Schieder once again promoted his "great program" for a social Europe, location, women's rights and youth: "This is only possible if the center is strengthened and that is the SPÖ." Party leader Andreas Babler emphasized: "Whoever strengthens us, strengthens the bulwark against the right".

SPÖ final event: EU Parliament Vice-President Evelyn Regner, party leader Andreas Babler and top candidate Andreas Schieder (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
SPÖ final event: EU Parliament Vice-President Evelyn Regner, party leader Andreas Babler and top candidate Andreas Schieder

The day before, ÖVP top candidate Reinhold Lopatka and ÖVP Secretary General Christian Stocker invited the public to a media event in front of the party headquarters in Vienna and cheered on their own party once again.

ÖVP prepares for clear losses
In view of the poor poll results, the party is preparing for clear losses: Stocker called five mandates, i.e. two fewer than before, a "good result".

ÖVP election campaign finale with top candidate Reinhold Lopatka (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
ÖVP election campaign finale with top candidate Reinhold Lopatka

Not present at the election campaign finale in Vienna was party leader and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who was busy seeing the ÖFB national team off to the European Championships.

On Friday morning, Liste DNA held its closing event - at Jakominiplatz in Graz.

It was already the KPÖ's turn on Tuesday: at their final campaign, the candidates signed a "contract" with the citizens in Vienna-Ottakring.

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read the original article here.
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