Contract extended

Why Kiteishvili said yes to Sturm again

07.06.2024 19:23

What the Georgian media were already whistling from the rooftops on Friday afternoon, Sturm made official before the premiere of the Sky documentary "Leuchtend Schwarz: Sturm und der Weg zum Double" at Schloßberg: Otar Kiteishvili extends his contract with the Blacks by two years plus option!

Actually, the fronts seemed to be hardened: Sturm had gone to the financial limit during the negotiations with Otar Kiteishvili in spring. The departure of the thinker and leader in midfield was actually considered a done deal. But Friday saw a surprising turnaround: The best player in the last Bundesliga extended his contract with the Blacks until 2026 plus an option! The cart had come to a standstill, but Sturm untied the Gordian knot to everyone's surprise. But how?

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We tried to convince Otar with sporting arguments and thus make it palatable for him to stay. He can play Champions League football next season, which is a unique opportunity.

Sturms Sportchef Andreas Schicker

"We tried to convince Otar with sporting arguments and thus make it palatable for him to stay. He can play in the Champions League next season, that's a unique opportunity," emphasized sporting director Andreas Schicker, who drove his car to Geinberg in the Innviertel region on Thursday, where the Georgian national team is currently preparing for the EURO.

The contract with the playmaker, who has been with the club since 2018 and has played 185 games for Sturm so far, was finalized. "Both sides have taken another step towards each other," explained Schicker.

Otar Kiteishvili was named the best player of the Bundesliga season. (Bild: Pail Sepp/Sepp Pail)
Otar Kiteishvili was named the best player of the Bundesliga season.

While the 28-year-old playmaker, who now has a fixed transfer fee anchored in his contract, has been repeatedly thrown off track by injuries in recent seasons, he played a considerable part in winning the double in the spring. "Otar has had an exceptional season," said the sporting director, who was present at the premiere of the Sky documentary, as was David Affengruber. Who has not yet extended his contract and is likely to leave Sturm soon. "It's already taking too long, so we're also looking around for alternatives. David knows that and he understands it too."

It is unlikely that Christian Ilzer could also leave the club. Even though, according to the "Bild-Zeitung", he is said to be a coaching candidate at Bundesliga relegated side 1. FC Köln. Schicker: "Everything is quiet with Chris."

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