Silbereisen in Kitz

“600 drones will take off into the starry sky”

08.06.2024 11:00

"Clear the stage" is the motto for the "Schlagerbooom Open Air" in Kitzbühel on Saturday evening, which will be broadcast on ORF 2 and ARD at 8:15 pm. The "Krone" met with Michael Jürgens, producer of the "Feste Shows", and presenter Florian Silbereisen in advance. Among other things, they give deep insights into their emotional world and reveal initial details about the show.

"Krone": This is thesecond time the brilliant live show has stopped off in the Gamsstadt. How come?
Michael Jürgens: The stadium is the perfect "witches' cauldron" for our 360-degree open-air show with a sea of lights, drone show, fireworks and so on. This is where that special "Schlagerbooom" atmosphere can be created.

Doyou associate a special experience with Kitzbühel?
Jürgens: Kitzbühel offers very different locations - from mountain lakes to stadiums - for very different shows. And in every case, Sonnbergstubn-Rosi lights a candle in her chapel. This time, as a precaution, she has lit several. This way, no show has ever been canceled here.

Florian Silbereisen: Kitzbühel has always had a special aura, a magic. When I was a child, Kitzbühel was far away, unreachable. The first time I was allowed to be here, Rosi served me a schnitzel and I immediately felt at home. Since then, I've been able to celebrate so many unique shows here in sensational locations, got to know so many great people and that's a great bond.

The "Schlager-booom Open Air" also made a guest appearance in the Gamsstadt last year. Among others, Ross Anthony (center) provided a colorful performance. Many special effects are planned again this year. (Bild: BMC-Image/Dominik_Beckmann)
The "Schlager-booom Open Air" also made a guest appearance in the Gamsstadt last year. Among others, Ross Anthony (center) provided a colorful performance. Many special effects are planned again this year.
The tennis stadium in the Gamsstadt has been sold out for months. (Bild: BMC-Image/Daniel_Scharinger)
The tennis stadium in the Gamsstadt has been sold out for months.

How do you feel just a few minutes before the live show?
Jürgens: When you know everything that can go wrong, the stage fright is also extreme backstage. We look at a total of 18 monitors at the same time and are connected directly or indirectly to around 350 colleagues by radio, so we can control everything but also react at any time.

Silbereisen: To be honest, I'm not doing so well backstage. I have stage fright before every show. I'm restless, the adrenaline rushes through my body with full force, I have to go to the toilet all the time, but I'll spare you the details now (laughs). But as soon as I go on stage, I turn the excitement into energy and then there's nothing better than looking at all the happy faces and feeling that energy. It's always an extreme ride that's hard to describe.

At some point, do you get the feeling that "now nothing can go wrong"?
Jürgens: During the show, you're happy about everything that has worked. But the tension remains until the last second. You feel like you've lost a few kilos from all the concentration - unfortunately not really.

Silbereisen: Yes, sometimes you get that "now it's on" feeling, but after twenty years I know that something can always go wrong at a live show. With an open-air show, there's also the weather.

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No other show series on German television has been allowed to change so much over so many years.

Michael Jürgens, Produzent der „Feste“-Shows

Mr. Silbereisen: When you walk through the crowd during the show, even running to change your location for the next presenter, you even take selfies with the fans. That looks pretty relaxed.
Silbereisen: During such a long live show, I'm not casual and relaxed, but very focused and concentrated. I have to pay attention to so many things: the time, the right cues for the team so that everyone knows when the changeover to the next act can start, etc. So I'm constantly under pressure, but at the same time I also want to join in the celebrations, sing along and have fun. It's good for me to let go from time to time and soak up the atmosphere. If I can make someone happy with a photo, then everyone benefits.

Since the first Sommerfest show on June 2, 1994, the Feste shows, including Schlagerbooom, have fascinated millions of viewers. The 30th anniversary will be celebrated in the evening. What is the recipe for success?
Jürgens: No other show series on German television has been able to change so much over so many years. We are grateful for that! There was no role model for a show like "Schlagerbooom". In the decades before, the focus was always on what was happening on stage. At "Schlagerbooom", the focus is on the people who celebrate Schlager with the stars. Everyone sings and celebrates together.

You two have known each other for years. What do you appreciate most about each other?
Jürgens: You can't get more different than Florian and me. But in this way we complement each other perfectly. I would never fly into a stadium hanging from a helicopter. And Florian wouldn't want to swap places with me.

Silbereisen: Michael and I have been working together for 20 years. I could go on and on about him, but the most important thing for me is that he has always been loyal and relentlessly honest over the years. I trust him! I appreciate his foresight, his diplomacy and his tireless efforts to always find a common denominator. I would be far too emotional for his job and, as a Leo, probably far too quick-tempered (laughs). He always thinks two steps ahead so that I can concentrate on the here and now. I wasn't looking for Michael, but I found him and I know that I can rely on him - in every situation.

The open air can be seen live on ORF 2 and ARD from 8.15 pm. What message do you have for our readers?
Silbereisen: We want to celebrate the anniversary with a spectacular show. The stadium will be transformed into a huge sea of lights. It will also sparkle and twinkle above the stadium. A light balloon will land in the stadium. And 600 glowing drones will take off into the starry sky. Please keep your fingers crossed that everything works out.

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