"Sexual violence"

Rape allegations: Frank Stronach arrested!

08.06.2024 08:18

Styrian Magna founder Frank Stronach has been questioned by the police in his adopted country of Canada. He is accused of sexual assault. The offenses are said to date back from the 1980s to last year. The presumption of innocence applies.

The 91-year-old former politician was even briefly arrested on Friday in the elite Toronto suburb of Aurora, according to Canadian authorities. Frank Stronach is accused of five alleged criminal offenses, including sexual assault and rape, according to the news agency Reuters and other English-language media.

Magna founder denies allegations
Stronach's lawyer told Reuters that the billionaire "categorically denies" all the allegations made against him. "He looks forward to the opportunity to respond fully to the allegations and uphold his legacy as a philanthropist and an icon of the Canadian business community," said lawyer Brian Greenspan.

Stronach's lawyer in Austria, Michael Krüger, was unable to comment on the matter to APA. His former assistant Carolin Handl also knew nothing about the allegations. However, she emphasized in the interview that as long as she had worked for Stronach, she had always perceived him as a "person of great integrity". She could "not imagine that these allegations were true".

Stronach was released on conditions and will have to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton at a later date, police said in their statement.

"No connection to Magna"
Magna said in an email that it had no knowledge of the current events: "Stronach has had no connection to Magna since he relinquished control in 2010." The police appealed to the public to come forward if they have "pertinent information".

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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