Just under two per mille

Politician crashed into another car on a wheel rim

08.06.2024 12:31

A blue functionary was really blue on Saturday night: the Freedom Party politician got behind the wheel of his Tesla with almost two per mille, lost a tire during a maneuver - and then crashed into a car in front of him on the Nordbrücke in Vienna!

The emergency services were alerted to the Nordbrücke bridge at around 10.30 p.m. on Friday. According to a report in the free newspaper "Heute", a Tesla driver had rear-ended a car. Material damage was caused.

But that's not all: the Telsa was already missing a tire at the time of the rear-end collision. The driver was therefore only driving on the rim when he crashed into the car in front of him. How exactly he had lost the tire beforehand is still unclear ...

Crashed his Tesla while intoxicated: Michael Sommer (Bild: Krone KREATIV/NÖ Landtag, stock.adobe.com)
Crashed his Tesla while intoxicated: Michael Sommer

FPÖ confirms incident
A breathalyzer test was carried out on the Tesla driver - this revealed considerable alcoholization, allegedly just under two per mille. The driver is a 28-year-old politician from Lower Austria. He is Michael Sommer, a young FPÖ member of parliament - the party also confirmed this to the "Krone" newspaper on Saturday.

The politician was driving a white Tesla. (symbolic image) (Bild: stock.adobe.com/ERIC, Krone KREATIV)
The politician was driving a white Tesla. (symbolic image)
The crash occurred on the Nordbrücke. (Bild: Krone KREATIV)
The crash occurred on the Nordbrücke.

The man's driver's license was revoked. Possible professional consequences are not yet known.

"I regret it very much"
"I am aware of my serious mistake and regret it very much. I am ashamed of it and would like to sincerely apologize. It will never happen again," said the blue politician, who is also the regional director of the Freedom Youth of Lower Austria, in an official statement, expressing his remorse.

And as the saying goes: he who has the damage doesn't have to pay for the ridicule: "If the FPÖ MP had been traveling with the JVP-Festlbus, he would still have his driver's license," tweeted Anthony Grünsteidl, regional managing director of the Young People's Party of Lower Austria on Saturday.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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