Daring operation

Israeli special forces rescue four hostages

08.06.2024 13:01

The Israeli army has apparently managed to free four hostages from the clutches of Hamas. The people were rescued alive during a daring operation in the central Gaza Strip. All four hostages were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on October 7.

Four Israeli hostages were freed by Israeli troops on Saturday, the military announced. The rescued hostages are Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv. Special forces had simultaneously raided two Hamas locations in the central Gaza Strip Nuseirat, Israeli media reported.

Hostages at several locations
Hostages were hidden at both locations. According to initial medical examinations, all of the rescued hostages are in good condition. They were taken to hospital for further examination.

Noa Argamani is among those freed. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/Maya Alleruzzo)
Noa Argamani is among those freed.

In the course of the operation, heavy airstrikes were carried out in the region on Hamas locations and in support of the ground forces. Hamas health authorities reported a "large number" of casualties. 50 people died in the Israeli military operations.

Noa Argamani is embraced by her father:

The fate of freed Noa Argamani, who was kidnapped by terrorists on a motorcycle while crying desperately for help, has particularly moved Israel. Her mother is suffering from terminal cancer. The woman had repeatedly asked to be allowed to see her daughter one last time before she died. "We are overjoyed to have you home," said Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, according to his office. He spoke of a "heroic operation".

Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) said he was "relieved", as he told X. "However, far too many of them are still being brutally held hostage by Hamas," the Chancellor stated. Every effort would continue to be made to return the Austrian Tal Shoham to his family.

War cabinet about to disintegrate?
In light of the liberation announcement, Israel's former Defense Minister Benny Gantz canceled his speech scheduled for Saturday evening. Political observers assumed that he might declare his withdrawal from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's war cabinet.

In May, Gantz had called on Netanyahu to present a plan for Israel's actions after the end of the Gaza war by June 8. Otherwise, his centrist party would withdraw from the emergency government. The ex-defense minister and former army chief had stepped down from his opposition role after the major Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 and joined the Israeli war cabinet as a minister without portfolio.

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