"An important sign"

Tens of thousands flock to the rainbow parade in Vienna

08.06.2024 13:31

Under the motto "Pride is a demonstration", tens of thousands of people flocked to Vienna's Ring on Saturday for the 28th Rainbow Parade to stand up for the rights of LGBTIQ people. At around 12 noon, the colorful procession set off "the other way around" in the opposite direction on the Ring, with the finale planned for 6 p.m. at Rathausplatz. According to the organizers, there were 340,000 participants in the afternoon.

The Rainbow Parade is once again being organized by the Homosexual Initiative (HOSI) Vienna as an "important symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) life". This year, the demonstration consists of a total of 92 decorated trucks, other vehicles and groups of participants.

(Bild: Jöchl Martin)
(Bild: Jöchl Martin)
(Bild: Jöchl Martin)

The lively hustle and bustle comes to an end in the "Vienna Pride Village", where performances by Conchita Wurst and this year's Song Contest participant Kaleen are on the program.

(Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/MAX SLOVENCIK)

Numerous politicians on site
There was also a large turnout from the world of politics: the SPÖ was represented by federal party leader Andreas Babler, National Council President Doris Bures, EU top candidate Andreas Schieder and Vienna City Councillors Jürgen Czernohorszky and Peter Hacker.

The Greens were represented by Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler, Health Minister Johannes Rauch, Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler and Justice Minister Alma Zadic. Finally, the NEOS were represented by their party leader Beate Meindl-Reisinger, Vienna's Deputy Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr and EU lead candidate Helmut Brandstätter.

"Today we see: Pride brings thousands of people onto the streets to stand up and speak out against injustice. Pride is one of the strongest movements in the world today, where people are united for a good cause and want to make this world a better place," said organizer Katharina Kacerovsky-Strobl, Managing Director of Stonewall GmbH, to APA.


Increased security measures
Following a terrorist incident at last year's event, security precautions were increased this year, which was mainly reflected in a more visible police presence. A search order was issued for the "Vienna Pride Village" on Rathausplatz. Only people who have had their clothing and belongings searched will be allowed to enter.


Hours of closures on the Ring
According to ÖAMTC mobility information, the parade is likely to cause delays in road traffic due to the hour-long closures on the Ring. The club expected delays on the detour routes - especially on the two-way line. Access to the airport via Franz-Josefs-Kai is also not possible during the closure.

The club therefore advises people to use the Handelskai or the outer Gürtel and Tangente as an alternative. Streetcar lines 1, 2, 71 and D as well as inner-city bus lines will be shortened or diverted.

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read the original article here.

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