"Was not in custody"

Stronach to the “Krone” about allegations of abuse

08.06.2024 14:50

Sexual assault and rape - the list of accusations against Frank Stronach is long. But now the 91-year-old Magna founder is defending himself, telling "Krone" via his lawyer: "I reject all accusations. It is also not right that I was arrested!"

It was an early morning bombshell: Frank Stronach, founder of the Canadian company Magna International, was arrested in Canada at short notice, according to a report by the news agency Reuters. It concerns five alleged criminal offenses, including sexual assault and rape, for which he has now been charged.

The alleged incidents are said to have spanned from the 1980s to 2023.

"Was voluntarily at the police station"
Stronach's lawyer in Austria, Michael Krüger, reached the billionaire early in the morning local time at his residence near Toronto. "It is not true that I was arrested. Rather, the police called me and I went to the police station voluntarily. I was questioned there and I gave my statements accordingly," the Styrian-born man told the Krone.

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It is not true that I was arrested. I unequivocally reject all accusations.

Frank Stronach via Anwalt zur „Krone“

And the 91-year-old emphasizes emphatically: "I firmly reject all accusations. There is nothing more to add to the statement by my Canadian lawyer."

Brian Greenspan had previously stated that Stronach was looking forward to the opportunity to respond fully to the allegations "and uphold his legacy as a philanthropist and icon of the Canadian business community".

The Magna founder at his former e-car plant (Bild: Wulf Scherbichler, Kronen Zeitung)
The Magna founder at his former e-car plant
Frank Stronach once as an election campaigner in Austria (Bild: APA/HANS KLAUS TECHT)
Frank Stronach once as an election campaigner in Austria
Stronach in parliament in Vienna (Bild: APA/Georg Hochmuth)
Stronach in parliament in Vienna
The billionaire in his private jet (Bild: Jauschowetz Christian)
The billionaire in his private jet

The Magna Group recently stated that it had no knowledge of the investigation or the allegations made. It was also pointed out that Stronach has had no connection to Magna since he relinquished control in 2010.

Police said Stronach had been released on conditions and would appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton at a later date.

Stronach recently suffered a heavy blow when his wife Frieda died at the end of March. The two had been married for 60 years. "In the end, I was with her 24 hours a day," said Stronach in an interview with "Krone bunt" and concluded: "Life must go on."

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read the original article here.

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