MOTIF in the cosmos

Between Turkey and Vorarlberg

08.06.2024 16:55

The intercultural association MOTIF presented a play by Amos Postner from Lustenau at Theater Kosmos in Bregenz on Friday. The production "Coming and Going" is absolutely worth seeing.

They are both connected to Theater Kosmos: The 30-year-old author Amos Postner, who has already presented a play there twice. And then there is the intercultural association MOTIF, which is a regular guest at the Kosmos in Bregenz's Schoellerareal and, as was the case this time, is supported in the direction and production by the team there, including Augustin Jagg and Nicole Wehinger. MOTIF is a theater group consisting mainly of people of Turkish origin who, apart from the director and Landestheater actor Nuri Kalfa, are amateurs.

Far too rarely are authentic stories of migration shown on stage. (Bild: floriankoller_mistura)
Far too rarely are authentic stories of migration shown on stage.

The dedication and energy, but above all the skill and stage presence with which these actors and actresses fulfill their roles is something to be admired. Everything comes across naturally and authentically, there is a never-ending tension, there is emotion, pace and even a touch of humor.

The play "Coming and Going" is the story of their own group, which they tell here using the example of three generations of a family. It was brought into a dramatic form by the author Amos Postner, born in 1993 - he questions a lot and searches for psychological explanations for the events in this family. Only in passing does he talk about the marginalization that these "guest workers" experienced here for a long time.

"Going and Coming" will be performed four more times at Kosmos. (Bild: floriankoller_mistura)
"Going and Coming" will be performed four more times at Kosmos.

The story: Özlem, her husband and their children are no longer marginalized, they have made it. Özlem even teaches German at a grammar school and is so fanatical that she and her family do language exercises until late at night. Özlem was born in Vorarlberg, while her older sister, far less ambitious, immigrated from Turkey as a child. Her father had been here for several years and was consumed with longing for his family, which he eventually caught up with.

According to author Amos Postner, these and other circumstances were to blame for the cancer from which he eventually died. It is important and very commendable to shed light on the social changes of the post-war period.

The worthwhile production "Kommen und Gehen" will be shown on June 9, 14, 15 and 16. Weekdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 5 pm.

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read the original article here.

Anna Mika
Anna Mika
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