"Lisa Film" turns 60

A lively birthday party with many movie stars

08.06.2024 20:00

Lisa Film has turned Lake Wörthersee into a movie set. Today, the film production company turns 60. 15 film stars celebrate at the Schlosshotel Velden. Two new documentaries are shown. The legendary Lisa Film boss Karl Spiehs once turned Carinthia into a film stronghold.

Lisa Film is celebrating its 60th birthday today, Sunday, in Velden. Film producer Karl Spiehs (whose bust has stood next to Roy Black in front of the Schlosshotel since last year) has shot over 400 films on Lake Wörthersee. Initially, Lisa Film was not immediately paved with success, but this changed when Karl Spiehs took over Lisa Film in 1967.

Films were made for the heart, for the family and for relaxation. Music, dance and love were not neglected in the film productions, as Karli Spiehs repeatedly incorporated popular pop singers into the films. Chris Roberts appeared in films such as "Wenn jeder Tag ein Sonntag wär" and Roy Black in numerous films such as "Wenn mein Schätzchen auf die Pauke haut". A recipe for success that proved effective.

Roy Black as hotel manager at the Schlosshotel. (Bild: Veldener Tourismus GmbH)
Roy Black as hotel manager at the Schlosshotel.
Thomas Gottschalk and Mike Krüger during the filming of the movie "Die Supernasen" on Lake Wörthersee (Bild: APA/dpa/Istvan Bajzat)
Thomas Gottschalk and Mike Krüger during the filming of the movie "Die Supernasen" on Lake Wörthersee
Cult with "Kojak": Karlm Spiehs with US star Telly Savallas (Bild: zVg)
Cult with "Kojak": Karlm Spiehs with US star Telly Savallas

Lisa Film played a leading role in the cinema sex wave of the 1970s, in which it positioned itself on the market with lederhosen films, report films and sexploitation films. In the 1980s, everything shifted from cinema films to television productions. Thomas Gottschalk and Mike Krüger ushered in the great film era at Lake Wörthersee in 1984 with the Super Noses. Pirate radio station Powerplay, Zwei Nasen tanken Super and Die Einsteiger were also produced with the two Germans.

Pure glitz and glamor
Karl Spiehs left behind a life's work of glitz, glamor and dazzling film moments. He was a film tycoon and the last great film producer in Austria, who always made it a point to honor the hard work of a film production. It was not for nothing that Lisa Film and Karl Spiehs were famous for their impressive celebrations. Appreciation for filmmakers and artists was his trademark - and so he leaves behind an impressive past that wrote film history.

The Schlosshotel am Wörthersee was the highlight. This is a 34-part television series that was filmed between 1990 and 1992 with Roy Black and Uschi Glas in the leading roles. Otto Retzer, Adi Peichl, Pierre Brice, Christine Schuberth, Helmut Fischer, Julia Kent and Julia Biedermann also appeared. With JR Ewing and the bald Kojak, even Hollowood legends were flown in.

Christine Neubauer is in Velden today. (Bild: ORF)
Christine Neubauer is in Velden today.
Peter Kraus and Otto Retzer are also coming. (Bild: Starpix / A. Tuma)
Peter Kraus and Otto Retzer are also coming.
Producer Klaus Graf and today's Lisa Film managing director Michael Kraiger. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
Producer Klaus Graf and today's Lisa Film managing director Michael Kraiger.

"Five films shot at the same time"
Otto Retzer also became a star. First with Adi Peichl as "Josip and Malec" as valets at the Schlosshotel am Wörthersee, then as a director. "Spiehs turned the glittering lake into the most breathtaking film set in Europe. Once we shot five films at the same time. Everyone was there. Gunther Philipp, Peter Alexander, Rudi Carrell, Georg Thomalla, Peter Weck, Theo Lingen, Waltraut Haas, Dagmar Koller, Otto Schenk, Chris Roberts. Filming took place everywhere. From Velden to Lake Faak. Some of the actors even appeared in several films at the same time. One day they were filming for this production, the next day for another," says Retzer. In total, Otto W. Retzer acted as production manager around 120 times and as director around 90 times.

Otto Retzer with Uschi Glas in Velden. (Bild: Rojsek-Wiedergut Uta)
Otto Retzer with Uschi Glas in Velden.

In a new documentary, ORF III takes a look back at six decades of captivating filmmaking. "Films, Stars and Starlets" is not just a celebration of the art of film. It can be seen today. 15 film stars are arriving as well-wishers. Among them are Mike Krüger, Christine Neubauer, Peter Kraus, Otto Retzer and Julia Kent. From 5 pm, the red carpet will be laid out in the Schlosshotel and Mike Kraus' vernissage will take place. There will then be a barbecue on the ballroom terrace.

Schlosshotel am Wörthersee documentary
Otto Retzer takes over the moderation. The movie stars experience a lavish party. The premiere party for the new documentary "A Schlosshotel on Lake Wörthersee - the story of the cult series" produced by Flo Lackner also takes place. This documentary can be seen on ORF on June 15.

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