Tullner with "Rangers"

“This is how I experienced training to become an elite US soldier”

08.06.2024 22:43

A young man from Tulln has completed one of the toughest military training courses in the world: the US Army's "Ranger Course". He has been back in Austria since March and now describes his impressions in an interview with "Krone".

In the end, he was ten kilos lighter, had narrowly escaped hypothermia and his joints ached with every movement. "I couldn't manage 30 push-ups," laughs Constable Mario C. But the young sergeant from Tulln had reached his goal. After 61 days in the USA, he had passed one of the toughest military training courses in the world: the US Army's "Ranger" course.

Constable Mario C. from Jäger Battalion 12 at Ranger School in Fort Moore, Georgia (Bild: Mario C.)
Constable Mario C. from Jäger Battalion 12 at Ranger School in Fort Moore, Georgia

Every second person eliminated in the first few days
We meet the 25-year-old in the training room of Jäger Battalion 12 in Amstetten. He has been back from the USA since March and his body has recovered. His uniform is emblazoned with the "Ranger" tab, a small piece of fabric that has cost him a lot of blood and sweat.

Even the selection process was tough: out of 300 places on the course, the US Army had allocated five places to international participants, one of whom was Mario C. "There was a selection process in the first week. 20 kilometers of fast walking with 25 kilos of luggage in under three hours, 49 push-ups, but also orienteering in the field. Suddenly there were only 150 participants."

61 days no caffeine, no nicotine, no cell phones
A week later, another 50 candidates were eliminated - all before the actual training began. And thus the real torture. "In the end, we were outside for 61 days, we didn't have a tent," says the group commander. "Caffeine, nicotine, sweets and cell phones were banned for the entire two months, we slept for two hours on good nights and 45 minutes on bad nights."

20-kilometer express march with 25 kilos of luggage in under three hours: Even the entrance test ensures a 50 percent failure rate. (Bild: US Army)
20-kilometer express march with 25 kilos of luggage in under three hours: Even the entrance test ensures a 50 percent failure rate.

Already fatalities on the special forces course
During the "Mountain Phase", the training in the mountains of Georgia, one of Mario C.'s comrades first suffered cold shock and then heatstroke five days later in the lowlands. In 1995, four participants died of hypothermia.

He himself remembers two particularly cold days. "It rained for 48 hours straight and temperatures dropped below five degrees. Overnight, the instructors 'took pity' on us and got us a tent, which we put up in the pouring rain. When we were ready, we were allowed to sleep. But outdoors, next to the tent."

After these two days, C. had to take command of a completely exhausted group. "That's what this course is about. Learning how to lead soldiers under extreme pressure."

At the graduation ceremony in Georgia with the hard-earned Ranger badge on his shoulder (Bild: Mario C. )
At the graduation ceremony in Georgia with the hard-earned Ranger badge on his shoulder

Knowledge is passed on in Austria
Back in Austria, the constable passes on his knowledge as part of further training for the cadre. Planning, ambushes and raids are the Rangers' strengths, and this is where the army can still catch up. "But the training level of the normal US Army is about where we are in Austria."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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