Offer rejected, but

BW Linz coach admits: “Austria was very attractive”

09.06.2024 13:00

On Saturday, he set off on a week-long sailing trip with friends in Croatia. The "Krone" had previously reached Blau-Weiß coach Gerald Scheiblehner, who had turned down an offer from Austria the day before and decided to stay in Linz. He admits: "Austria was very attractive."

"Krone": Mr. Scheiblehner, how and when did the flirtation with Austria come about?

Gerald Scheiblehner: Austria contacted me two weeks ago, there was a meeting in Upper Austria with sports director Werner and sports director Ortlechner. It then became more and more before Austria made an official inquiry to Blau-Weiß on Thursday.

Was it the English way for Austria to flirt with a coach who still has a contract - or did Blau-Weiß know about it?
I informed Blau-Weiß right from the start, it was agreed with Austria that I would do it. I spoke very openly with managing director Peschek and sporting director Schösswendter. They were extremely fair again - if everything had been right, they would have supported me. I saw that they stood by me again in a difficult situation. The way they behaved was one of the reasons why I stayed.

What were the others?
Blue and white has so many advantages! We've built up a lot with the club, put the team together well, have goals and I feel extremely comfortable in Linz. A lot of things would have had to be right for me to leave Blau-Weiß. I also don't think the timing was right now.

Blau-Weiß was successful in 2023/24 with Scheiblehner - who is now staying. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Blau-Weiß was successful in 2023/24 with Scheiblehner - who is now staying.

European Cup instead of relegation battle, a bigger club, more salary: hand on heart: how appealing was Austria?
It would have been a very appealing job! It's a club with a great tradition, a great challenge for a coach. The interest was also a confirmation of our work. In the end, my gut feeling decided in favor of blue and white. Austria reacted very understandingly - everything went very fairly for the business of soccer!

So now all focus is on blue and white. How is the squad planning going?
Schössi" is close to finalizing deals with several players. I hope and believe that we have a better team than last year - that's another reason why I stayed.

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read the original article here.

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