"Krone" commentary

The big change in the weather is yet to come

09.06.2024 17:14

The EU elections in Austria this weekend were as turbulent as the weather. On Sunday, the FPÖ achieved for the first time what it had never managed under its leaders Jörg Haider and Heinz Christian Strache: it came first in Austria, but fell well short of the 30 percent it had hoped for.

The ÖVP, which roared to 35% five years ago under Sebastian Kurz after the supposed destruction of the Blue Party by Ibiza, has fallen back to its worst EU result to date without the turbo boost from the former wunderwuzzi - but is happy as a winner.

Because the gap to the blue party was much smaller than predicted. And because she kept the Reds at bay: Only 3rd place for the SPÖ, a disgrace for its leader Andi Babler.

Behind them? With respectable results for the NEOS, which had recently been declared dead, and the Green Party's Lena Schilling, who had been written to death by some media. Her fighting spirit was rewarded, she gave a strong sign of life, also a sign that mud-slinging does not have to be worthwhile.

And now?

What conclusions can we now draw for the national elections? The FPÖ has proven that it can come first. The ÖVP has proven that it is fully in the race for chancellor. And they too can come first in September.

The SPÖ has proven that it is unlikely to come first in its current line-up.

But above all, it has been proven that the Austrians do not allow themselves to be looked into the cards - especially not by opinion pollsters. So we are facing what is probably the most exciting election in the National Council.

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read the original article here.

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