EU election is defeated

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09.06.2024 17:38

The EU election in Austria is over and for the first time in a nationwide ballot, the FPÖ has come first. "We are full of humility and gratitude. The voters wrote this story today," said a jubilant Michael Schnedlitz, Secretary General of the Freedom Party.

"The Austrians have shown courage. They have expressed optimism, the desire for honest change," added Schnedlitz.

FPÖ record is 27.5 percent
The FPÖ with its top candidate Harald Vilimsky achieved 25.7 percent. Its previous record result of 27.5 percent was achieved in the 1996 EU elections.

Vilimsky: "A clear signal"
Vilimsky: "The Austrians have sent a clear signal that they have an honest desire for positive change with the Freedom Party", he said. The success was the result of "sustained, credible and consistent work on the side of the Austrians".

Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Imre Antal)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Imre Antal)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Imre Antal)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Antal Imre)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Antal Imre)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Imre Antal)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Antal Imre/Imre Antal)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters (Bild: Antal Imre)
Mood pictures from the FPÖ party headquarters

And added: "We are humble, grateful and, above all, responsible with this vote of confidence from the voters."

"Successful race to catch up": ÖVP holds on to Nehammer
Despite heavy losses for the ÖVP, General Secretary Christian Stocker spoke of a "successful race to catch up". There will be no internal party consequences. The party leader and Chancellor Karl Nehammer will continue to lead the party into the National Council elections.

Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: Martin Jöchl)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters (Bild: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER)
Mood pictures from the ÖVP party headquarters

If you look at the polls, the ÖVP started from third place, but is now ahead of the SPÖ and behind the FPÖ in second place, Stocker emphasized.

"Lopatka and his team have fought"
According to Stocker, the result is not a cause for celebration, but is nevertheless "respectful". Lopatka and his team had fought. After all, the ÖVP had "started from zero" after the events of recent years.

"The race to catch up has begun"
One thing is certain: the party leader, Chancellor Karl Nehammer, will also go into the National Council elections, Stocker told ORF about any personnel consequences of the result. "We have started a race to catch up today
so that we are number one in September," Stocker emphasized.

SPÖ: "We would not be satisfied with third place"
In view of the FPÖ's first place, the SPÖ is expecting a collective wake-up call and then a duel for first place between party leader Andreas Babler and FPÖ chairman Herbert Kickl. However, they were not satisfied with third place in the EU elections, said Federal Managing Director Klaus Seltenheim.

Greens: "Together against right-wing agitation"
In view of the majority for the FPÖ in Austria, Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) also called once again for a united front "against right-wing agitation" ahead of the National Council elections in the fall. He thanked the voters of the Greens for voting for his party despite all the turbulence surrounding top candidate Lena Schilling.

NEOS: "Sensational"
There was jubilation among the NEOS. Vienna's Deputy Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr spoke of a "sensational" result. List runner-up Anna Stürgkh blamed the "very clear pro-European vision" for the increase in votes.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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