Review of election day

Dark clouds loomed over the polling stations

09.06.2024 18:58

Tension was in the air as the vote for a new EU Parliament took place on Sunday. Storms and the clean-up afterwards overshadowed the ballot.

The first polling stations in Burgenland opened at seven o'clock in the morning. The rush was still limited at the beginning. There was even a sense of crisis in the municipalities in the district of Oberwart, which had been particularly badly affected by the heavy thunderstorms of the previous day.

Course of events impaired
Due to the damage and clean-up work, the EU election was disrupted in the districts of Siget in der Wart (municipality of Rotenturm), Schreibersdorf (municipality of Wiesfleck), Unterschützen (municipality of Oberschützen) and St. Martin in der Wart (town of Oberwart). A large contingent of firefighters was needed to help the residents in need.

The weather challenged the fire departments
Many emergency services had to react immediately. They barely had enough time to cast their votes. "Due to the difficult situation and the announcement of further rainfall, further emergency situations are to be expected. Appropriate safety precautions must be taken quickly," said the authorities.

Initially, voter turnout in the state capital was also modest. Only seven citizens walked to the polls at the town hall within half an hour in the morning. There was much more activity in Steinbrunn.

Ludwig Frauer, pensioner (73) from Oberwart: "It wasn't difficult for me to vote as I support the Union's path. As a democrat, I believe it is our duty to exercise our right to vote." (Bild: Christian schulter)
Ludwig Frauer, pensioner (73) from Oberwart: "It wasn't difficult for me to vote as I support the Union's path. As a democrat, I believe it is our duty to exercise our right to vote."
Marlisa Chirila, art student (24) from Rust: "My interest in high politics is limited. I have my own opinion. I don't allow myself to be influenced by the parties' advertising." (Bild: Reinhard Judt)
Marlisa Chirila, art student (24) from Rust: "My interest in high politics is limited. I have my own opinion. I don't allow myself to be influenced by the parties' advertising."
Bernhard Kummer, landlord (32) from Podersdorf: "There's a lot of discussion at the regulars' table, opinions are very different. A lot of information comes from social media. It's important to keep an overview." (Bild: Reinhard Judt)
Bernhard Kummer, landlord (32) from Podersdorf: "There's a lot of discussion at the regulars' table, opinions are very different. A lot of information comes from social media. It's important to keep an overview."
Andrea Weber, employee (49) from Deutsch Kaltenbrunn: "I am a convinced European and have been an EU local councillor since 2010. I hope for a high voter turnout. Europe starts in the community." (Bild: Christian Schulter)
Andrea Weber, employee (49) from Deutsch Kaltenbrunn: "I am a convinced European and have been an EU local councillor since 2010. I hope for a high voter turnout. Europe starts in the community."
Harald Pokorn, employee (53) from Neusiedl am See: "I got enough information from the media. This and the parties' programs give you a better orientation, which makes voting easier." (Bild: Reinhard Judt)
Harald Pokorn, employee (53) from Neusiedl am See: "I got enough information from the media. This and the parties' programs give you a better orientation, which makes voting easier."
Bernhard Pranger, innkeeper (53) from Rudersdorf: "It was easy for me. I knew straight away when I was voting. No matter what the election is, you should go if you have the chance." (Bild: Christian schulter)
Bernhard Pranger, innkeeper (53) from Rudersdorf: "It was easy for me. I knew straight away when I was voting. No matter what the election is, you should go if you have the chance."

Anger about closed polling station
"The 50 percent mark was exceeded early on. Experience shows that there is still a surge of voters in the early afternoon," said an experienced observer. Some were pondering who they should support with their vote, others were quite sure of their cause. Harsh nuances from Deutschkreutz: citizens were annoyed about the shortened voting times. From 1 p.m., they were already standing in front of the closed doors of the polling station.

The polls closed at 4 pm. Shortly afterwards, the first trend forecasts were available. The SPÖ Burgenland was reluctant to comment. The FPÖ was jubilant, the ÖVP saw the gap from the polls closed. The Greens spoke of "a respectable result, which should, however, still be treated with caution as these are still polls".

First place for SPÖ "realistic"
"The result in this form has already become apparent in recent months", said SPÖ regional manager Jasmin Puchwein at the party headquarters in Eisenstadt. The SPÖ did not want to give an assessment of the federal result of the EU elections, nor draw any conclusions for the upcoming National Council elections. "We are assuming that support for the SPÖ in Burgenland will be above the national average and that first place is quite realistic."

Jasmin Puchwein in discussion with Matea Nikolic at SPÖ headquarters: "The result was already on the cards." (Bild: SPÖ Klub)
Jasmin Puchwein in discussion with Matea Nikolic at SPÖ headquarters: "The result was already on the cards."

"Seize the opportunity"
"Europe, but better!" Under this slogan, the People's Party fought for every vote right to the end. In the fire station in Glashütten near Langeck in the Oberpullendorf district, the Burgenland ÖVP top candidate Vanessa Tuder cast her vote: "It was important to seize the opportunity and vote for a better Europe. At the same time, many citizens in southern Burgenland unfortunately have other worries at the moment due to the storms."

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