Nick Cannon:

“Crown jewels” insured for ten million dollars

10.06.2024 17:00

Excuse me, but the man's got balls. Thanks to his 12 children with six wives, Nick Cannon is used to gossip and criticism. Not only does it not bother him, he even makes fun of it with a funny move. Mariah Carey's ex-husband has now had his best piece insured for 10 million dollars.

The whole thing is part of a clever PR campaign. Cannon is the new spokesman for the "Dr. Squatch" brand, which sells men's care products for below the belt. In a press release, the company confirmed that "we have officially insured Nick Cannon's 'crown jewels' through a policy with MMA Insurance".

"Super Sperm"
Cannon is then quoted as saying, "The haters say it's time for me to stop making babies and put my super sperm to rest. But in terms of my precious balls and my future children, I say: 'Now more than ever!"

The comedian continued, "Kudos to Dr. Squatch for giving my balls the respect they deserve. And for getting me the protection I need to keep my family tree growing."

Lotions and razors
Through the new advertising campaign with Cannon as spokesperson, the company wants to promote products such as an intimate razor for men, a special "Ball Barrier" lotion for the testicles and "Beast Wipe" moisturizing wipes.

Twelve children
Cannon has twins Moroccan and Monroe with Carey, who were born in 2011. With ex-girlfriend Brittany Bell, the former "Miss Guam", he has sons Golden Sagon (7) and Rise Messiah (1) as well as daughter Powerful Queen (3).

He has twin sons Zion and Zillion (2) and daughter Beautiful Zeppelin (1) with DJ Abby De La Rosa, daughter Legendary Love (1) with "Selling Sunset" star Bre Tiesi, daughter Onyx (1) with LaNisha Cole and little Halo Marie (1) with ex-girlfriend Alyssa Scott. Their son Zen died of a brain tumor in December 2021.

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read the original article here.

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