Restricted consumption

Slovenians voted in favor of cannabis approval

10.06.2024 11:18

In Slovenia, four referendums were supported by a majority on Sunday. The population voted on the right to euthanasia, the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes and restricted private consumption. Another issue was whether or not to introduce a preferential vote in parliamentary elections.

A clear majority (66.5 percent) voted in favor of the legalization of cannabis for medical use, with around one in three people voting against. Although this use has been permitted in Slovenia for years, it is not explicitly regulated by law. According to Prime Minister Robert Golob, this is set to change. Meanwhile, around one in two people voted in favor of restricted private consumption, with 48.5 percent against. It was initially unclear exactly how these issues will be regulated in future.

This also applies to the preferential vote in the national parliamentary elections. Although there was little information on this, 70.7% of voters voted in favor. 29.3 percent were against. The non-binding referendums were backed by the ruling Freedom Movement, while the other two coalition parties also supported the issue of euthanasia.

Euthanasia for the terminally ill
This issue was supported by 54.6 percent of voters. The right to euthanasia for the terminally ill was opposed by 45.4 percent. In March, a corresponding citizens' initiative had still been rejected. The failed bill regulated assisted suicide and also permitted active euthanasia in exceptional cases. The opposition rejected all forms of euthanasia.

Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob (Bild: The Associated Press)
Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob

The liberal prime minister announced on Sunday evening that he would respect and implement the will of the voters. By the end of the year, solutions could be found regarding the release of cannabis for medical purposes and euthanasia.

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