Heat tips

How to protect car batteries on summer vacation

12.06.2024 00:08

Summer is just around the corner and the high temperatures not only affect us, but also our car batteries. The heat of the city can cause car batteries to lose power more quickly and even fail. To ensure a reliable start even in summer, Banner experts provide valuable tips.

High temperatures cause the water in conventional starter batteries to evaporate. If the plates of the battery are dry, it loses performance. This can lead to starting problems.

This is how starter and vehicle electrical system batteries maintain their full performance
Regular checks and maintenance can extend the service life of the battery.

Checking tip

  • To check the charge status, voltage and electrolyte level, the use of test and inspection devices is recommended.
Regularly check the open-circuit voltage with a digital voltmeter. Please ensure immediate recharging as soon as an open-circuit voltage limit of 12.5V has been reached. (Bild: Banner)
Regularly check the open-circuit voltage with a digital voltmeter. Please ensure immediate recharging as soon as an open-circuit voltage limit of 12.5V has been reached.

Maintenance tips

  • Keep the battery clean and dry
  • Check the acid level regularly and top up with distilled water if necessary. Never top up with acid!
  • Special features of AGM batteries: AGM batteries must not be opened. It is not necessary to measure the acid density or top up with water. Do not use any top-up agents.
  • In the event of high water loss, have the regulator voltage checked by a specialist

Storage and transportation of car batteries

  • Always store and transport batteries upright.
  • Secure against tipping over and slipping.
  • Use short-circuit protection.
  • Store in a cool, dry place (between 0° and +25° C).
  • Do not expose to direct sunlight.
  • Keep the battery surface and connection terminals clean.

These recommendations are based on room temperatures of +20 to +25° Celsius. Please note that self-discharge doubles with a temperature increase of 10° Celsius.

Banner Accucharger - for professional battery charging and charge retention. Simple, fully automatic, safe and fast. (Bild: Andreas Sperl ( MAB ))
Banner Accucharger - for professional battery charging and charge retention. Simple, fully automatic, safe and fast.

It is particularly advisable to check the condition of the vehicle battery before the summer vacation. Older batteries are often no longer able to provide the required starting power even after a recharge.

Conscious handling of the battery helps to avoid annoying battery failures. Give your battery an extra portion of external charging with a Banner charger, ideally in good time before you set off on your vacation.

The Banner team at the Bäckerfeldstraße sales office in Traun + 43 732 3888-21602, office.ba@bannerbatterien.com will be happy to assist you with their expertise.


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