Tough struggle

ÖVP prevents better animal protection with blockade

11.06.2024 07:30

What is happening at a political level is not just a scandal for animal lovers. Because after countless talks and negotiations, there is still no progress on the animal protection amendment after three years. Despite paying lip service to the issue and promising to work on it "at full speed", the Chancellor's party has apparently hit the brakes again.

Instead of implementing the urgently needed stricter conditions in the "pet package" before the end of this legislative period, the signs are actually pointing to a step backwards. For example, an originally agreed neutering requirement for torturous breeds has been watered down again in the current draft.

But why this change of heart, which by no means reflects the will of the voters? Animal rights activists see economically motivated interest groups such as the umbrella organization for dogs, the ÖKV, as tipping the scales. ÖKV boss Philipp Ita is said to be mercilessly exploiting his close ties to the Chancellery, as some of the planned changes are a thorn in the side of his paying members.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV)

"It is reprehensible in terms of democratic policy that the already soft-washed compromise solution for the pet amendment continues to be blocked", criticizes the Viennese animal welfare ombudswoman Eva Persy. The hope remains that the Chancellor's party will give in and the package will be passed on Wednesday. After all, an unresolved animal welfare package would probably not be to the chancellor's party's advantage in the election campaign next fall.

These are the sticking points:

Dog training: stricter rules for guard dogs
Austrians do not want private "biting machines". That is why training must be better regulated. Up to now, people have been allowed to become dog trainers without compulsory training. Anyone who likes it can train their dog to be "sharp". Here too, the ÖKV (Austrian Kennel Club) is leaving no stone unturned to weaken the law.

Following the death of a jogger from dog bites, the controversial training has once again become the focus of public attention. (Bild: Getty Images)
Following the death of a jogger from dog bites, the controversial training has once again become the focus of public attention.

Better breeding: The trade in animals ison the rise
Anyone who breeds dogs or cats does not need any training or special precautions to do so. This urgently needs to be tightened up. And this should actually be supported by reputable breeders. Nevertheless, the ÖKV (thanks to its proximity to the Federal Chancellor) is trying to prevent ground-breaking improvements. A rogue who thinks evil!


Animal transport: ÖVP also delays at EU level
The EU Commission has presented a proposal for stricter rules on animal transportation. Thousands of cattle are transported to Africa on scrap-ready ships. But we are also experiencing delaying tactics by the conservatives at EU level. "Every improvement in animal welfare is currently being prevented by the ÖVP," says MEP Thomas Waitz.


Chancellor's party sets unfair conditions for approval
In addition to the animal protection amendment and the renaturation law, the full slatted floors are another deep rift between the two governing parties. "The ÖVP's blockade of all animal welfare projects is completely incomprehensible to me," says Animal Welfare Minister Johannes Rauch.

Horse-trading with pigs? Animal rights activists sharply criticize this. (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Horse-trading with pigs? Animal rights activists sharply criticize this.

Because it looks like the Chancellor's party is only agreeing to the animal welfare amendment in an exchange of blows for a "watered-down" law on pig farming. This is a scandal for many organizations: "Is there more protection for dogs and cats only in return for prolonged suffering for pigs?" criticize Vier Pfoten, VGT and the Animal Welfare Ombudsman's Office Vienna. They are hoping for a concession - and the Greens will probably have to water down their demands for transitional periods.

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