Forgotten grannies & co.

What has happened in 50 years of the Menüwirt

10.06.2024 20:00

The Menüwirt in St. Kanzian on Lake Klopein celebrates its anniversary this year and looks back on an eventful past - from a building freeze to forgotten grannies and police operations ...

"The restaurant business has always been an exciting task and challenge," says senior manager Thomas Richler, recalling the beginnings of the former "Haus Kärnten", which was founded in 1974 and later renamed Menüwirt.

The beginning was extremely difficult. "Loans with astronomical interest rates of up to 13 percent were called in during the construction phase, and construction of the restaurant even stood still for two years. The cuckoo was already pecking almost everywhere, even on the coffee machine," says Richler, who nevertheless managed to turn his restaurant into a successful business with a lot of hard work and willpower, where the wishes of the guests always had and still have top priority. For example, the very first menu from 1975 featured an oxtail soup as well as Hawaiian toast.

Unforgettable stories and many regulars
Today, the Menüwirt is already run by the second generation, who can look back on a lively past with many amusing stories. "From forgotten dogs, children and grandmothers to exuberant celebrations with police interventions," reveals boss Heinz Richler, who, together with his wife Daniela, is delighted to have so many regular guests. "We are very grateful for that! Many vacation guests tell us time and again that they ate here as children and are now coming back with their own families," says the host couple proudly.

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Our history is characterized by passion, challenges and hospitality. We will be celebrating together with our guests until the end of June.

Heinz Richler, Menüwirt-Chef

Recipe for a successful existence
Incidentally, the Richlers name three specific aspects that need to be considered for their success: "Three things are crucial, namely a fair price-performance ratio, business know-how and the skills and empathy to be a good manager." It is not for nothing that many employees have been working at the Menüwirt for years and seasonal helpers are always happy to come back.

Great prizes to be won
To mark their 50th anniversary, the restaurateurs want to celebrate with their guests until the end of June. "There will be a wheel of fortune with great prizes ranging from small summer items such as water balls to air mattresses and various menu vouchers. Everyone is guaranteed to win," promise the Richlers.

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