War in Gaza

Ceasefire: Security Council votes in favor of US plan

10.06.2024 22:38

A ceasefire plan for the Gaza Strip drawn up by the USA was adopted by the UN Security Council on Monday. It is the same plan that was submitted at the end of May and accepted by Israel.

The US news channel CNN quoted from the text of the Security Council resolution, in which the members of the body appeal to Hamas to "also accept the proposal". Both parties should immediately carry out "full implementation" of the plan, it continues.

Russia was the only state to abstain, the other 14 members of the Security Council voted in favor. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been working in the Middle East to enforce the ceasefire. On Monday, Blinken met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Talks were then also planned with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. On Tuesday morning, he will meet with Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog.

Blinken: "The only outsider is Hamas"
In Cairo, Blinken had previously said that only the Islamist Hamas had not agreed to the ceasefire plan presented by US President Joe Biden. "The only party that has not said yes is Hamas," said the chief diplomat. "Countries in the region and worldwide" would support the plan. "The only outsider at the moment is Hamas." Representatives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad reiterated at a meeting in Qatar on Monday that any agreement would have to include a complete end to the war, a comprehensive Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction of the coastal strip and an end to the blockade.

Following the announcement of the Security Council vote, Hamas representatives said they were ready to work with the mediators to implement the principles of the plan.

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