
Russia expels ORF correspondent

10.06.2024 22:40

Because a Russian journalist's accreditation was revoked, Moscow has now expelled an Austrian ORF correspondent. The ORF confirmed this on Tuesday night. Maria Knips-Witting had been in Russia since the beginning of 2024 and reported from there.

Ivan Popov, an editor at the Russian state news agency Tass, had his permanent accreditation withdrawn. In response, the ORF correspondent must now leave the country, the Russian ministry responsible announced. The broadcaster's radio and television studio previously had two correspondents. In addition to Knips-Witting, this was Carola Schneider.

Embassy warned correspondents
According to a report by the AP news agency, the ministry had instructed Maria Knips-Witting to return her accreditation and leave the country "in the near future". The Austrian embassy in Moscow had been informed in advance of the impending move and had warned the EU country's media correspondents that the Foreign Ministry could take retaliatory measures, dpa also reported.

Maria Knips-Witting has been reporting from Moscow as a correspondent since January 2024. (Bild: ORF Sendungen/ORF/Roman Zach-Kiesling)
Maria Knips-Witting has been reporting from Moscow as a correspondent since January 2024.

ORF regrets decision
ORF itself confirmed the withdrawal of Knips-Witting's accreditation on Tuesday night and at the same time regretted the decision of the Foreign Ministry in Moscow. It said in a statement that it could not understand the decision and would take all necessary steps to continue to ensure independent and comprehensive reporting from Russia for the ORF audience.

Moscow justifies decision
A statement from the Moscow Foreign Office reads: "On May 31, the Austrian ambassador was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. A strong protest was lodged in connection with the discriminatory measures against Russian journalists. The head of the diplomatic mission was warned that if Vienna did not reconsider its decision to violate the rights of Russian journalists, countermeasures would be taken with regard to Austrian correspondents permanently accredited in Russia."

The Federal Chancellery, which is responsible for accrediting foreign media representatives, said that the case was being examined.

Will further expulsions follow?
The Russian side also stated: "Should official Vienna continue its practice of discriminating against Russian journalists, a corresponding reaction with regard to Austrian journalists will follow immediately. In accordance with the principles of media freedom and on the basis of reciprocity, we will be ready to consider the possibility of accrediting new ORF employees in Russia as soon as the Austrian government has created the conditions for the work of Russian media representatives and the Tass office in Vienna has fully resumed its work."

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