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NR election: Greens elect Kogler as top candidate

11.06.2024 06:39

After the EU elections is before the National Council elections: Next week on Saturday (June 22), the Greens will meet for the second time this year for a federal congress to finalize their lists for the September elections. Vice-Chancellor and federal spokesman Werner Kogler is to be chosen as the top candidate.

Ministers Leonore Gewessler and Alma Zadić, club leader Sigrid Maurer and Secretary General Olga Voglauer also want to be prominent on the federal list.

Kogler first on the list in the Graz regional constituency
Kogler is also first on the list in the regional constituency of Graz and the surrounding area, where the Greens currently hold a basic mandate.

Voglauer top candidate in Carinthia, Zadic in Vienna
Gewessler and Maurer will run exclusively on the federal list, while Voglauer is also the top candidate on the provincial list in Carinthia and Zadić on the list in Vienna. The current Minister of Justice is therefore likely to win a seat in the National Council via the provincial route, as the Greens won two regional constituencies and four provincial seats in the federal capital in 2019 (with 26 seats and a 13.9% share of the vote nationwide).

Justice Minister Alma Zadic (Bild: APA/HANS KLAUS TECHT)
Justice Minister Alma Zadic

Mandate in Carinthia wobbles
In Carinthia, on the other hand, there was a single state list mandate, which is likely to wobble in view of the predicted losses. Voglauer therefore probably needs the federal list mandate to remain in the House. In this third investigation, the Greens were awarded four of their 26 seats in 2019.

Rauch is no longer running
Health and Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch is no longer running. The venue this time is the Alte Ankerbrotfabrik in Vienna-Favoriten. The Greens' highest party body last met on February 24 in Graz to appoint the list of EU candidates.

Johannes Rauch (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
Johannes Rauch

National lists confirmed
The federal congress also confirms the state lists of all federal states. In Burgenland, where no provincial mandate was achieved in 2019, Philip Juranich is at the top, in Carinthia (2019: 1) as mentioned Voglauer. In Lower Austria (2019: 4), Elisabeth Götze, Süleyman Zorba, Ulrike Fischer and Martin Litschauer were nominated. In Upper Austria (2019: 4, including 2 at provincial and 2 at regional constituency level), Agnes Sirkka Prammer, David Stögmüller, Ulrike Feichtinger and Ralph Schallmeiner have been nominated.

Salzburg (2019: 1) has Leonhard Hartinger at the top, Styria (2019: 3, including 2 state, 1 regional) Jakob Schwarz, Bedrana Ribo and Anna Slama. In Tyrol (2019: 2), Barbara Neßler and Hermann Weratschnig are the frontrunners. Vorarlberg (2019: 1) is sending Nina Tomaselli into the race, while Vienna (2019: 6; 4 state, 2 regional) is sending Meri Disoski, Lukas Hammer, Markus Koza, Naomi Sametinger and Felix Stadler alongside Zadić.

Some prominent departures
Outside of the spectrum created in 2019, the current mandataries Eva Blimlinger, Georg Bürstmayr and Faika El-Nagashi (all Vienna) are running on the state lists. In Styria, Heike Grebien - via the regional mandate in Graz - would only be a candidate if Kogler is allowed to continue in government. Sibylle Hamann, Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic, Michel Reimon and Astrid Rössler are no longer running.

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